Chapter 1629

However, Rao Shichen had no intention of letting go of her at all.

I saw him holding her face in his palm, and his thin lips continued to refuse to leave.

After a long while, when the lipstick was all spent, Rao Shichen left in satisfaction.

Lou Jianian looked at himself in the mirror, and couldn't bear to look directly at him.

"How about I ask the makeup artist to come in again?" Rao Shichen's eyes were full of appreciation.

Lou Jianian didn't know what the man was thinking, so he just picked up the lipstick on the table and said by the way: "No need, I'll do it myself."

So, she repainted the lipstick on her lips, and carefully repaired her face.

Rao Shichen saw that the lipstick he had eaten just now was reapplied again, and then raised his eyebrows slightly.

At this moment, he has already decided how to wipe off the lipstick after the party is over.

After Lou Jianian finished repairing his face, he looked at the time and said, "Let's go see grandma."

Hearing this, Rao Shichen nodded.

Just like that, the two left the dressing room holding hands, and then came to another private room.

At this moment, the single room is also decorated and furnished in the same way.

In front of the mirror, the old man had already changed his clothes and combed his hair.

"Grandma." Lou Jianian called softly.

After she yelled, the old man turned around.

From a short distance away, I saw the old man with white hair coiled up, makeup on his face, wearing a dark blue velvet cheongsam, with a string of necklaces around his neck, exuding elegance all over his body.

Seeing the old man dressed up so nicely, Lou Jianian's eyes lit up, "God, grandma, you look so good today."

Chen Yuhui intertwined her hands in front of her, with a loving smile on her face that had been wiped off with makeup, "Your grandma is even ashamed."

"What's the matter?" Lou Jianian broke free from Rao Shichen's hand, stepped forward quickly, and put his hand around the old man's arm, "I believe you will definitely be the highlight of the whole party tonight."

Chen Yuhui paused before sighing softly, "Can you tell me now, what are you going to do tonight?"

"This...isn't enough." Lou Jianian blinked, "Anyway, the time is not too far away, and you will know later."

Chen Yuhui scolded, "You child."

At this moment, Rao Shichen stepped forward and said very humbly and politely: "Grandma, you only need beautiful ones tonight, just accept our arrangement."

Chen Yuhui: "As I get older, I, an old man, can no longer decide anything."

Lou Jianian: "Look at what you said, we didn't do anything to you."

Chen Yuhui: "I'm thinking, you, Shi Chen, and the old man just joined forces to plot against me."

Lou Jianian: "This is a calculation, I guarantee you will like it."

In the end, Chen Yuhui just laughed without saying a word.

At this time, at the party.

At the entrance, a man in a black tuxedo, a girl in a white dress, and an elderly man appeared.

After the three entered, they immediately glanced around.

Soon, the old man saw the acquaintance, and he pulled two young people behind him, a man and a woman, to greet him.

Because of the old man's request, Jing Chen took Sang Ye's hand and walked to the table not far away.

At this moment, Jing Chen's comic eyes were full of complacency.

In the past, whenever he attended a party, he would show up alone. He never expected to be able to attend with his female companion today. Thinking about it, it was really not easy.

(End of this chapter)

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