The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 1631 Isn't that too much?

Chapter 1631 Isn't that too much?
"That's not true." Master Jing spoke first, and said with a smile: "Jing Chen is the grandson of our Jing family's single lineage, so he has to marry a daughter-in-law while I'm still here, so that I can be happy. That way I can live longer."

Hearing this, Mr. Liang felt a little envious, "But Dr. Jing is only 23, can this be faster?"

"How come? I'm 23, and if I'm not married yet, when will I go?" Master Jing stroked his beard, "Anyway, I'm definitely going to be a great-grandfather."

Jing Chen touched his nose.Is this too much to say?

Show off is almost enough.

Sang Ye couldn't stand it anymore, so she could only find an excuse to go to the bathroom, and then left for a while.

As for Jing Chen, he also felt that it was boring to continue to stay and listen to the two old men talking, so he pretended to make a phone call, so he left and went to the outside terrace.

Seeing Jing Chen and Sang Ye both leave, Master Jing joked, "Look, these two young people will feel embarrassed when they hear us talking about getting married."

Mr. Liang chuckled, "Master Jing, you are blessed. Dr. Jing is going to get married at a young age. Let me congratulate you first."

"Hey, no need, just remember to drink the wedding wine or something." Master Jing was very proud.

Mrs. Liang also congratulated in advance.

After the three chatted for a few more words, Master Jing happened to see some acquaintances and went to other tables.

When Master Jing left, Mr. Liang lost all smiles on his face.

He could only hear him complaining: "Isn't it just that the grandson is getting married, what is there to be proud of?"

Mrs. Liang heard that the old man felt a little unwilling, so she comforted her: "Dad, don't worry, our Feimo family might get married earlier than Dr. Jing."

"Do you think it's possible?" Old Mr. Liang snorted, "If that brat was sensible, he would have married Shi Xin back home."

Madam Liang licked her lips, not knowing what to say.

In fact, this is indeed the case. If the son can be more sensible, I am afraid that Shi Xin would already be a member of their Liang family.

I don't know when will she be able to become Shi Xin's mother-in-law?

Thinking of this, she glanced away and saw her son in a black suit tasting wine at a round table not far away.

From this angle, his son's face is cold, like a robot with no emotions.

With such a icy look, the people around were too frightened to get close.

Thinking that her son hadn't married yet, she couldn't help but sigh after all.

At this moment, at the entrance, another sinister-looking young man in a haute couture suit and an elderly man in a neat suit appeared at the same time.

These two people are Mr. Gu and Gu Ze.

Gu Ze didn't bring a female companion with him tonight.Because he didn't bring a girl with him, he was severely scolded by the old man.

In fact, it wasn't that he didn't want to bring a female companion, the main thing was that no one wanted to accompany him.

Qiu Qingqing didn't know what was going on tonight, she cleaned his apartment early and prepared dinner in advance.

After doing all this, Qiu Qingqing left.

When he returned to the apartment after get off work, he found the small note.

On the note, Qiu gently wrote in messy fonts—something to go out, the apartment has been cleaned, dinner is ready, don’t worry about it.

(End of this chapter)

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