Chapter 1644 Not a single figure
Spiral staircase.

Accompanied by Rao Shixin, old man Rao finally walked down.

The guests all gathered around to say blessings and give gifts.

On the side, Qin Pei was busy taking the gifts from the guests.

Mr. Rao's wrinkled face was full of smiles, but in fact he was very nervous.

I saw that his eyes seemed to sweep over the guests, but he was actually paying attention to the direction of the door.

Rao Shixin smiled and politely faced everyone.But in fact, her entire attention was also on the entrance.

If she remembers correctly, she sent a message to her brother before accompanying the old man down just now.

Logically speaking, brother should have received the news and should bring grandma up.

However, she found that there was no one at the entrance.

Facing the congratulations of the crowd, Master Rao could only deal with it.

After a while, Master Jing came over with Jing Chen and Sang Ye.

"Yo, old man Rao, today is your birthday, I wish you a long life here."

Old Man Rao clasped his fists together, "Thank you, Old Man Jing."

"Grandpa Rao, today is your birthday, I wish you good health here, and this is a little gift from me, I hope you can accept it, Grandpa." The person who spoke was Jing Chen.

I saw him holding the gift box with both hands.

Qin Pei tactfully accepted the gift.

Master Rao smiled, "Doctor Jing, it's fine if you come, what gift can I give you? When I was in the hospital, I owe it to you, otherwise how could I leave the hospital so early with my body? No, hey, this is ?”

As the old man said, he suddenly discovered that there was an extra girl beside Jing Chen.

Jing Chen raised his eyebrows slightly, and was about to introduce Sang Ye, but unexpectedly, Master Jing spoke first, "Hey, let me introduce, this is my Jing Chen's girlfriend, and also the future granddaughter-in-law of our Jing family, named Sang Ye. "

Hearing this, Sang Ye frowned slightly, just because of what Master Jing said about the future granddaughter-in-law.

Master Rao was very surprised, "It turns out that Dr. Jing is getting married? This is really a happy event. His name is Sang Ye? The name sounds nice."

Sang Ye called out very politely, "Grandpa Rao, hello."

"Hey, okay." Master Rao laughed.

Rao Shixin's eyes rolled around, scanning Jing Chen and Sang Ye.

She had been to the Regal Bar before, if she remembered correctly, this girl seemed to be the bartender in the bar?

The reason why I remember it clearly is because of Sang Ye's cold and individual face.

what!I really didn't expect that Jing Chen would be with such an aloof girl like Sang Ye.


While Rao Shixin was thinking deeply, she found that there seemed to be a familiar and fiery eyes staring at her not far away.

Almost subconsciously, she glanced away, and then collided with the man's dark eyes.

Across the distance and the noisy scene, she could clearly see the affection in the man's eyes.

Inexplicably, her heart beat a little out of rhythm, so she quickly looked away.

At this moment, Liang Feimo, who was sitting at the table tasting wine, finally put down his glass, got up and walked over.

Master Rao was still talking to Master Jing, but when a tall, tall and cold body appeared in front of his eyes, he raised his eyes and saw that it was the grandson of the old man Liang's family.

In an instant, his eyes lit up.

A proper smile appeared on Liang Feimo's face, "Grandpa Rao, hello, I'm Liang Feimo, Shi Xin's boyfriend."

"You are the grandson of old man Liang's family, I know all about it." Master Rao looked at Liang Feimo with satisfaction, wondering when Liang Feimo would be able to propose marriage himself.

(End of this chapter)

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