The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 1648 She is full of depression

Chapter 1648 She is full of depression
Rao Shixin:? ? ?

isn't it?
She hasn't promised to marry yet!
Think about it, she is full of depression.

Liang Feimo had a spring-like smile on his face.

In this way, the two old men chatted for a while.

Immediately afterwards, Leng Qirui came forward.Today, he also deliberately took the time to come over to participate in the birthday of the old man of the Rao family.

Since you're here, you must be giving some gifts.

Seeing that Mr. Liang and Master Rao had finished chatting, he said his best wishes and then handed over the gift he had brought.

What he gave was a watch, which was expensive.

Mr. Rao happily accepted the gift.

Then, Master Gu and Gu Ze also came to join in the fun.

Gu Ze was a man with a good tongue, and when he came up, he boasted fiercely, making Mr. Rao happy, and then took out the gift and offered it to him.

Because he didn't know what to give, he simply gave a beard. Of course, the price was also amazing.

Mr. Rao accepted it with satisfaction, and then greeted Mr. Gu.

Tonight, he might be pissed off by Mr. Jing showing that Jing Chen is going to get married. Mr. Gu still has some discomfort in his chest and his face is not very good-looking.

But, anyway, tonight is also Master Rao's birthday, so no matter what, Master Gu can only suppress the grievance in his heart, and squeezed out a smile.

"Old man Rao, I really congratulate you. Why are you so blessed?"

"Oh?" Mr. Rao stroked the white hair on his forehead, and asked with a smile: "How can I be blessed? You said that you have lived to this age like us, but your grandson and granddaughter have already married. What do you want? I'm about to get married, pity me, an old man, I can't even see the figure of my future granddaughter-in-law."

Hearing this, Gu Ze felt very ashamed.

In front of so many people, the old man simply can't open any pot!
He is the president of Gu's Group, if everyone knows that he is still single, it would be embarrassing!

At this moment, he found that Master Rao was looking at him, and asked with a smile, "Gu Ze, why are you still single? See how much your grandfather cares about you, so you should quickly find a girl."

"Then what. Forgive Grandpa, I." Gu Ze felt that if he said at this time that he didn't like girls at all, his face would be even more dull.

Facing so many guests, in order to save face, he said in a casual tone, "Aren't I busy with work? Mrs. Gu is busy every day. As a man, career is the most important thing, love for children or something It's not what I want now."

Master Gu was taken aback, and kicked Gu Ze viciously.

This bastard, what are you talking about?

"Tsk, Grandpa, although I'm telling the truth, you don't have to kick me like that, do you?" Gu Ze patted the dust on his trouser legs.

Mr. Gu was so angry that he no longer knew what to scold.

At this time, Mr. Rao understood, "It turns out that Gu is busy with work so he doesn't have the time to talk about relationships. I said, Lao Gu, you can be content. Gu Ze is also right. A man's career is the most important thing. It's a matter of starting a family. It's too late." fine."

"No, he." Master Gu wanted to explain, "I"

Gu Ze interrupted Master Gu and said, "Okay, grandpa, don't worry about me anymore. I really want to find a girlfriend. How can I not find one? But I just don't want to."

Hearing this, Mr. Gu: "."

Pull it down!

(End of this chapter)

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