The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 1654 The atmosphere is a bit subtle

Chapter 1654 The atmosphere is a bit subtle
Rao Shixin touched his cheek with the tip of his tongue, then looked away, and said, "Narcissism."

However, her reaction made the man even more satisfied.

"If you're fascinated by me, just tell me, there's nothing to be ashamed of." The man's expression was full of smiles.

Rao Shixin raised her eyebrows, "Where does your self-confidence come from?"

"From you."


"As your boyfriend, I'm naturally shameless."

"Please respect yourself, there are many people here."

"What are you afraid of? Everyone knows our relationship."

Rao Shixin has been completely defeated by this man's thick skin.

She never imagined that a man with a cold face like Liang Feimo could be so shameless.

She still wanted to refute something, but she just glanced away, only to find that many of the guests present were already looking at her.

Moreover, some of the guests were talking about it, and of course most of them were girls.

"It turns out that the excellent Mr. Liang also has such a lovely side."

"I think Mr. Liang and Ms. Rao are a good match!"

"Made in heaven, this is what the golden boy and jade girl said."

"I'm so envious, I want to have this kind of love too."

"Woo woo woo. I love it, I love it."

"Miss Rao is beautiful, Commander Liang, I can't take my eyes off me even standing together, it's so beautiful!"

Rao Shixin listened to the envious words of the girls, and really wanted to explain.

In the eyes of outsiders, Liang Feimo is very good, very capable, and even cute when he talks about love?
However, no one knew how indescribable Liang Feimo's appearance was in private.

Anyway, she has a deep understanding.

Thinking of this, she suddenly felt that these girls were too easy to deceive.

When looking at a man, you can't just look at his appearance, you have to look at his inner appearance.

Just when she was thinking deeply, suddenly the palm of her hand was pinched by the palm of the man.

The tingling feeling was conveyed to the whole body through the palm of her hand, making her whole blood flow faster.


Did this man do it on purpose?
She gritted her teeth and stared at the man, only to see a smile in his eyes.

Even, the man deliberately lowered his voice, and said in her ear: "See? Everyone is envious of our love."

The man's deep voice is as mellow as red wine, and as melting as frost, it can make people's ears itchy.

Rao Shixin almost trembled all over.Fortunately, she stabilized her mentality, after all, this is a public event.

So, she raised her hand to hide it, and then lowered her voice to remind: "Can you still be like a president?"

"What's wrong with me?" The man seemed amused by this kind of whispering.I saw more light in his eyes.

Rao Shixin really wanted to shake off the man's hand and turn around to leave, but unfortunately, her hand was tightly controlled by the man.

The strength of the man's palm was so well controlled that she couldn't break free at all.

So, she could only suppress her dissatisfaction and said, "You clearly know."

"Oh?" The man's handsome face showed more pleasure, "You didn't make it clear, how would I know?"

"!" She was so angry that she didn't want to say a word.

The scene of the two whispering to each other fell into the eyes of all the guests and once again became the object of envy.

In front of the round wooden table not far away.

Leng Qirui and Gu Ze returned to their original positions after saying blessings and presenting gifts to Mr. Rao.

The two were twirling the wine glasses in unison, and their eyes were on Liang Feimo and Rao Shixin.

For a moment, the atmosphere is a little delicate.

(End of this chapter)

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