The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 1659 Can blind people's eyes

Chapter 1659 Can blind people's eyes
Zhong Ruohan gave Gu Ze a rare look, and then responded politely, smiling: "Hello, Gu Ze, by the way, do you mind if I sit here?"

Hearing this, when Gu Ze wanted to say that he didn't mind, Leng Qirui said lightly, pointed to the table next to him, and said, "The seat over there is more suitable for you."

Zhong Ruohan: "."

At this moment, two girls who looked like big stars came to the entrance.

It was Nalan Jun and Qiu Qingqing.

The reason why I came to the banquet tonight was actually because Rao Shichen sent an invitation card.

No matter what, she was Lou Jianian's best friend.

Although Rao Shichen was no less close to Lou Jianian and these two so-called girlfriends than he was, he still kindly invited them over.

Of course, Lou Jianian didn't know yet.

Today, Nalan Jun and Qiu Qingqing knew that they were going to attend the birthday of Mr. Rao's family, so they also specially dressed up.

I saw that Nalan was wearing a water-blue short skirt with an irregular hem that could reach to the heels of her legs, revealing long white legs that were so white that they dazzled people's eyes.

The neckline of the skirt is slightly lower, and a large area of ​​snow-white skin can also be seen.

Because she was wearing a water blue skirt, she specially matched it with a string of necklaces.

It's not expensive, it's just for decoration.

As the former daughter of the Min Group, Nalan Jun had already participated in many similar parties before she became an adult.

Maybe it was because she had attended too much, so when she entered the banquet, she had a just right smile on her face.

Unlike Nalan Jun, Qiu Qingqing is obviously excited.

Tonight is the first time she has attended such a dinner party since she grew up.

From the moment she entered the banquet, she seemed as if Grandma Liu was visiting a big garden, with surprise in her eyes.

The whole party looked too exquisite and luxurious.

As soon as you get in, you can see several pianists and violinists playing music.

The beautiful music floated throughout the dinner party. On the long tables, there were a variety of delicacies, and the goblets stacked high looked very exquisite.

The crystal palace lantern hanging from the top hangs down, and the dazzling light shines on all the guests, which makes people feel nervous.

At this moment, Qiu Qingqing is like this.

In order to attend the banquet today, she also went to the high-end club to dress up.

She was wearing a fiery red dress, her shoulder-length hair was rolled up, revealing her beautiful and white neck.

From the moment the two entered the party, they received the eyes and eyes of the guests present.

After all, the appearance of two beauties at the same time can always blind people's eyes.

Nalan Jun was very calm. In this situation, he very calmly led Qiu to walk towards the old man of Rao's family.

As for Qiu Qingqing, she was completely dumbfounded.

Facing such a feast for the first time, she didn't know what to do except nervous.

So, she could only obediently follow Nalan Jun.

At the table not far away, after two girls appeared from the doorway, Leng Qirui and Gu Ze immediately spotted them.

Leng Qirui stared straight at Nalanjun without hesitation.

Seen from this angle, Nalan Jun was walking with his calves, with a smile on his face, looking very graceful and dignified.

She has always been like this, she doesn't have to speak, she can exude a certain charming charm just by raising her hands and feet.

Back then, he was also conquered because of this charm.

As a daughter of a thousand pieces of gold, she has a kind of arrogance all over her body, like a flower in the high mountains, always attracting people's attention.

(End of this chapter)

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