The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 1689 Chen Yuhui Was Surprised

Chapter 1689 Chen Yuhui Was Surprised
Listening to the words of the people around her, Chen Yuhui's heart was also disturbed.I saw her looking seriously at the kneeling person in front of her, and what flashed in her mind was the gentle and handsome face when she was young, which was five points similar to Rao Shichen's.

When she saw such a face for the first time at the garden party, she knew that her heart had completely fallen into it.

If it weren't for the fact that in that era, the right family was too important, and there were too many obstructive voices, otherwise she would have been with him long ago.

It's a pity that the world is impermanent, and she has always worried too much. If she was brave enough, she would not have escaped during that rainy night in the cabin.

She is always not brave enough, thinking too much before losing courage and courage.

She was like this when she was young, but now she is still like this in her old age.

After living to be 70 years old, she has made no progress at all.

Come to think of it, she's never been crazy enough to do something daring.

In this case, let her have a different courage at the age of 70.

There are some things that should not worry too much, just do what you want, as for the result, leave it to God.

Maybe there were too many agitating voices around, and she was also infected.

So, she looked at the person kneeling in front of her, she pursed her lips a few times, and finally said: "Get up, old man, I promise you."

This time, she no longer had any worries, but bravely did something that made her feel crazy.

At the age of 70, just thinking about it, she feels that the blood in her body is starting to boil and flow backwards.

As her words fell, Rao Yanzhong's eyes were full of surprises.

He thought he heard it wrong, and asked in disbelief, "Yuhui, did you really agree?"

Chen Yuhui suddenly wanted to laugh, "Yes, you heard me right, I agreed."

Hearing this, Rao Yanzhong finally confirmed that it was true.I saw that he was so happy that the whole person was at a loss.

On the side, Lou Jianian said with a smile: "Grandpa and Grandma have already promised you, what are you still kneeling for? Get up quickly." She then supported the old man.

Rao Shichen also stepped forward and reached out to help.

Maybe it was because he knelt for a little longer. The moment the old man stood up, his blood stopped flowing, his legs softened, and he almost knelt down again.Fortunately, there are two people supporting him.

Lou Jianian knelt down and rubbed the old man's knee to help the blood flow.

After a while, the old man finally felt better.But, holding the blue velvet box in his hand, the old man remembered that there was one more thing missing.

So, he said, "Yuhui, since you have promised me, let's put this ring on."

Chen Yuhui glanced at the ring in his hand, feeling very moved, "You've even prepared this."

"Of course." Rao Yanzhong licked his lips and smiled, but he was a little guilty.

After all, he didn't prepare this ring in advance.

Rao Shichen raised his eyebrows slightly, and said with pursed lips: "This shows that grandpa and grandma are very attentive to you, and deliberately chose to propose to you on your birthday, and carefully prepared a ring before proposing."

"What did you say? Birthday?" Chen Yuhui was stunned.

Rao Shichen raised his eyebrows, "Grandma, don't you know? Today is Grandpa's birthday."

Hearing this, Chen Yuhui was surprised.No wonder the old man has been wearing red clothes since the morning. It turns out that today is his birthday.

It's all because of her carelessness.

(End of this chapter)

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