Chapter 1691

Chen Yuhui reached out and took out another ring from the box, then took Rao Yanzhong's hand and put the ring in.

The two rings turned out to be the right size.

The two old men each looked at the rings on their hands, with too many emotions and a thousand words in their hearts.

However, at this time, no matter how many words there are, they can't express what the two of them are thinking.

In the end, the two just hug each other.

This scene moved everyone present.

"I want to cry too. I didn't expect this kind of love to exist in this world."

"I seem to really believe that love is beautiful."

"Master Rao is so affectionate, I am really convinced. To love someone, to be able to love someone from a young age to now, is enough to prove how infatuated Master Rao is."

"Suddenly, I felt that the story of these two old men could be made into a TV series."

In fact, not only the people present felt tears, even the netizens.

Rows of comments floated across the barrage.

[It's so touching, it turns out that the love of grandparents can also be so enviable. 】

【Ang, I really admire it!I really want to have such an infatuated object. 】

[I wonder if Master Rao's grandson is married?I think the Rao family must be emotional. 】

[The one in front, don't think about it, Rao will never be yours. 】

[Hehehe, it won't be mine, and it won't be yours either. 】

Everyone was touched.

Lou Jianian stood aside, seeing the two old men embrace each other, there were too many emotional ups and downs in his heart.

Inexplicably, her nose felt a little sore, and she suddenly wanted to cry.

So, she could only turn around and silently control her emotions.

Rao Shichen glanced at her and saw her turn her back, and then guessed what was going on.

So, while the crowd was moved to tears, he stepped forward with long legs, took out a handkerchief from his pocket, and stuffed it into her hand.

Feeling something like silk in the palm of her hand, Lou Jianian glanced to the side, only to realize that the man had already stood beside her at some point.

At this time, she immediately swept around the people present.

Fortunately, everyone was attracted by the picture of two old men embracing each other, and no one cared what the man did to her.

So, she quickly caught the handkerchief, and then pushed the man, the meaning is obvious, to let the man back away.

The man frowned slightly, as if a little unhappy.But in the end, she still couldn't stand her threat, and finally could only retreat obediently.

Soon, after the two old men hugged each other, they held each other's faces.

Rao Yanzhong: "Yuhui, from today onwards, you are my wife."

Chen Yuhui: "Well, from now on, you will be my husband."

Because of their love, the two elderly people have never really forgotten each other from white hair to gray hair, from youth to old age.

The regret that has been sealed for a long time, with today's successful conclusion, has finally been perfected.

The two elderly people looked at each other, and finally smiled gratifiedly, even though their eye sockets were still red and hot.

However, this did not hinder the joyful mood of the two.

This big wedding day, of course, is to be happy.

Great joy is rare in life.

What's more, both of them are already seventy years old, which makes it even more rare.

Chen Yuhui sniffed, held back her emotions, and said, "Old man, today is your birthday, and I haven't given you a gift yet. Now, I'm giving you myself, and I will listen to you in the future."

(End of this chapter)

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