The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 1705 Li Xiangyun and Lou Shuyu are dumbfounded!

Chapter 1705 Li Xiangyun and Lou Shuyu are dumbfounded!
In order to ease the atmosphere, Li Xiangyun changed the subject and said: "Today is Master Rao's birthday. Since we are here, we must celebrate your birthday well. Also, Nian Nian, grandma misses you very much recently. Grandma is very happy to see you having such a good time."

Hearing these words against his will, Lou Jianian remained silent and didn't want to speak at all.

Chen Yuhui's eyes flickered slightly, and she smiled, "Madam Lou, Nian Nian is very happy, I hope she will always be so happy in the future, after all, she has never been easy."

"Old lady Chen, you are so right. Niannian is from our Lou family. Of course, I hope she can always be so happy." Li Xiangyun said, then stepped forward and said with a smile: "Come on, let me be happy." Grandma take a good look."

Lou Jianian wanted to back away, but was pulled by Chen Yuhui.She frowned slightly, and glanced away, only to see Chen Yuhui and her shaking their heads as a gesture.

So, she pursed her lips and could only stand where she was.

Li Xiangyun walked up to her and held her hand, "Niannian, good boy, I suffered a lot when I was a child, grandma knows it's not easy for you, and grandma will treat you better in the future."

Seeing his hand being held, Lou Jianian felt disgusted in his eyes.

Everyone thought how good this so-called grandma was to her, but no one knew what she had experienced when she was a child.

Soon, she couldn't help pulling her hand back and said, "No need, I'm doing well, you just have to take care of yourself."

Li Xiangyun looked at the little hand that was pulled away, and then nodded, "It's going well, then grandma will feel at ease."

On the side, Rao Shichen's brows were cold, and his thin lips were tightly pursed.In the next second, he stepped forward and took Lou Jianian's hand in his palm.

Lou Jianian was taken aback for a moment, and raised his eyes slightly, just in time to collide with Rao Shichen's gaze.

Then, she heard the man's magnetic voice say, "Mr. Lou, I suddenly remembered an urgent matter. We still need to discuss many details of the cooperation case in Beicheng area. Why don't we take advantage of it now."

Saying that, he directly pulled her to turn around and left.

Leaving Li Xiangyun stunned in place.

Of course, there is also Lou Shuyu who is madly jealous.

Rao Shichen took Lou Jianian and left in public to discuss the cooperation case.

Everyone present felt a little surprised!
Wait, Mr. Lou?
Until this moment, many people knew that the Lou Group had been handed over to Lou Jianian.

Also, the cooperation case in the Beibeicheng area?

This is a piece of sweet pastry. I didn't expect that Mr. Rao didn't give it to anyone, but he gave it to Mr. Lou?
Rao Shixin felt that it was boring to continue to stay.She was too lazy to deal with the people from the Lou family, so she turned around directly and coldly planned to go for a drink.

Liang Feimo, who was always by her side, saw that she was leaving, so naturally he followed her immediately.

Rao Yanzhong was also unwilling to stay with these two people from the Lou family. After thinking for a while, he directly grabbed Chen Yuhui's hand, "Let's go for a drink too."

Hearing this, Chen Yuhui was stunned, "But."

Immediately afterwards, Rao Yanzhong said, "Let the two of them do what they want." After saying that, he pulled them away and left.

Today's birthday banquet should have been a joy, but he didn't want to spoil the fun because of these two people from the Lou family.

To be honest, it is already very polite to let someone come in to the banquet.

In the blink of an eye, everyone was gone.

Li Xiangyun and Lou Shuyu were dumbfounded!
The members of Rao's family really didn't save face for them, and they left as soon as they said they would.

After all, they also sent so many expensive gifts, but they were left hanging like this?
Li Xiangyun and Lou Shuyu looked a little embarrassed.

(End of this chapter)

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