Chapter 1719 Must be kept secret
At this time, she really didn't want to see Li Xiangyun at all.

But tonight's banquet is grandpa's birthday, and it happens to be the day when grandpa and grandma propose and receive a certificate.

On such a special day, she naturally didn't want to affect her mood because of Li Xiangyun. It is rare that today is a happy day, and she just wants to be with the two old people.

She just wanted to go downstairs, but she never expected to meet Li Xiangyun in the corridor.

The moment she saw Li Xiangyun, she stopped in her footsteps, and her face became cold in an instant.

Of course, Li Xiangyun also saw her.Li Xiangyun's eyes lit up, and a smile appeared on his slightly wrinkled face, "Nian Nian, I finally found you."

That's right, the reason why she came upstairs was mainly to find Lou Jianian.

Since she didn't see anyone downstairs, she guessed that Lou Jianian was upstairs.

Lou Jianian pursed her lips tightly when she heard the other party call her Nian Nian, she didn't pay attention at all, and just continued to walk.

However, she underestimated the degree of shamelessness of the other party, and when she passed by the other party, the other party suddenly reached out and grabbed her hand, and said eagerly: "Nian Nian, grandma has something to say to you."

The moment the other party touched his hand, Lou Jianian felt disgusted instantly, and immediately broke free from the other party, "Don't touch me."

Because she exerted a little strength, the other party staggered, couldn't stand steadily, and almost fell down. It was only at a critical moment that the other party just grabbed the gold-painted handrail on the corridor and stabilized his body.

Immediately afterwards, the other party was still relentless, "Nian Nian, grandma really has something to tell you, let's find a place to talk? It won't take up too much of your time."

Lou Jianian pursed her lips tightly, she really didn't want to waste any more time on Li Xiangyun, "I refuse."

After finishing speaking, she was about to leave, but the other party followed closely behind, and said, "If you don't agree to grandma, grandma will follow you all the time."

Hearing this, she stopped and clenched her little hands.

Why is this person so shameless!
"What exactly do you want? Don't think that if grandma forgives you instead of me, you can be unscrupulous. I tell you that I will never forgive you in my life. The relationship between us has long since come to an end."

Li Xiangyun's expression seemed to add a touch of guilt, "Even if you haven't planned to forgive grandma, please give grandma a little time? Grandma really has something to tell you. If you don't agree, grandma will always Following you."

At this moment, Lou Jianian really wanted to touch Li Xiangyun directly.However, she knew she couldn't do it.

She can't let Li Xiangyun know about acupuncture points.

I have done this twice before, and if I do it a few more times, Li Xiangyun will definitely become suspicious.

She had to keep things like acupuncture acupoints a secret.

After thinking about it, in order to make Li Xiangyun, a disgusting person, stop pestering her in the next few days, she decided to simply give Li Xiangyun a good chance to make it clear with Li Xiangyun.

So, she glanced at one of the rest rooms in the corridor, and then said, "Come with me."

Li Xiangyun really followed obediently.

Soon, Lou Jianian came to the rest room, opened the door, and walked in.

Li Xiangyun also stepped up and walked in.

Entering the rest room, Lou Jianian stepped up to the window, turned his back to Li Xiangyun, and said in a cold tone, "Speak, five minutes."

(End of this chapter)

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