Chapter 1725 She is really bored

In the past few days, she was always thinking about how to find an opportunity to have a serious communication with Lou Jianian. Of course, the most important thing about the so-called communication is that she wanted to get Lou Jianian's forgiveness.

But the facts proved that no matter how sincerely she repented, Lou Jianian had no intention of forgiving her at all.

At this moment, she actually panicked, "Nian Nian, grandma really regretted it, you are granddaughter of grandma, you blame grandma for treating you badly before, now grandma knows she was wrong, how about giving grandma a chance to make up for it? "

"Not good." Lou Jianian was very cold, turned around stubbornly, and responded: "From the time you chose to throw me into the orphanage, in your mind, I am no longer your granddaughter. Over the years, you have already gotten used to it, haven’t you? In other words, you actually want me to die more than being a stranger? I almost forgot that you wanted to splash me with sulfuric acid last time, by the way, I won’t mention that matter I also forgot, but I can pretend that nothing happened, now I just want to tell you seriously that there is nothing between us, please don't appear in front of me again in the future."

After she finished speaking, she ignored the disbelief and panic in Li Xiangyun's eyes, but took a step forward, intending to leave here.

She has already given Li Xiangyun more than 5 minutes to listen to Li Xiangyun's words, and she will never have such an opportunity in the future.

To be honest, listening to Li Xiangyun's confession will only remind her of those dark times in her childhood.

She is not a Bodhisattva, and she cannot be tolerant to anyone. Since Li Xiangyun can do excessive things to her, what face does she have to ask her to forgive?

Seeing that the other party was so resolute and didn't give herself a chance, Li Xiangyun became anxious.

If there is really no way to get the other party to forgive today, then there will be no chance at all in the future.

Thinking of this, she immediately stepped forward and blocked the door.

"Nian Nian, don't go, listen to grandma, okay?"

Seeing Li Xiangyun directly blocking the door, Lou Jianian's footsteps froze, her brows were slightly frowned, and she seemed a bit cold.

She didn't expect that Li Xiangyun was so difficult to deal with. She had to forgive her before she would give up, right?

"Please go away, or I will call someone to come over."

Knowing that Li Xiangyun is difficult to deal with, she simply confronted her with a cold face.

Li Xiangyun is the person who likes to save face the most. If she really calls someone over to drive Li Xiangyun out, Li Xiangyun will definitely feel ashamed.

She originally thought that as long as she said that, Li Xiangyun would be sensible and stop blocking the door, but she didn't expect that she really underestimated Li Xiangyun's cheekiness.

Unexpectedly, after she finished speaking, Li Xiangyun not only didn't walk away, but instead looked anxious, and lowered her posture, begging in her tone, and said, "Nian Nian, the reason why you refuse to forgive me is nothing more than It's because of the things I did to you back then, I know you still care about it, if that's the case, I'm willing to make amends, as long as you tell me what to do, I will definitely do it."

"No need, no matter what you do, I will never forgive you, so you just die." Lou Jianian's voice was cold and indifferent, and there was no wave in his eyes. If there was, then at most it was disgust.

Facing Li Xiangyun, she was really bored.

(End of this chapter)

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