Chapter 1727 Can it be cracked?

Seeing that Rao Shichen didn't want to listen anymore, Lou Shuyu felt a little anxious.

However, it was at this moment that she realized that Rao Shichen could not accept it because he learned that Lou Jianian could not have children.

Let me ask you, among the rich and powerful, who can accept marrying a woman who can't bear children as his wife?

At this moment, she had certain expectations in her heart.

Perhaps, after Rao Shichen learned the truth, he would start to reconsider replacing Lou Jianian's wife?

After all, the Rao family can't stay idle forever, otherwise what will happen in the future?
In a few seconds, many thoughts flashed through her mind.But soon, she put away those thoughts again, after all, now is not the time for her to waste time thinking about them.

When Rao Shichen asked her to go out, he learned the truth for a while, and it was difficult to accept it for the time being.

However, if she really went out, then all the following plans would be ruined.

Thinking of this, she didn't move, licked her lips, and hurriedly said: "Mr. Rao, what I want to say is still related to my sister's body."

Rao Shichen didn't want to hear her talk at first, but when he heard that it was about Lou Jianian again, his brows wrinkled.

Soon, he rubbed his palms and fingertips a few times, moved his long legs, walked to the sofa and took a seat, "Say."

From just now to now, perhaps because he heard that Lou Jianian was unable to have a child, he felt some discomfort in his chest.

He couldn't digest this fact for a while, and of course, he also doubted the authenticity of Lou Shuyu's words.

But now, he must not let his baby know about it, no matter what Lou Shuyu said is true or not.

But, next, he must keep this secret first.

If his baby knew it, he would definitely not be able to accept it.

So, there is no need to let his baby know.

Moreover, it doesn't really matter whether he has children or not, he doesn't have to stay behind, anyway, the two of them can live together.

It's just that grandpa wants a great-grandson, and he can't help grandpa realize this, but Shixin can do it.

At that moment, his business mind immediately planned everything.

In the future, the company can be handed over to Shi Xin's children!
For all these arrangements, Rao Shichen quickly made a decision after learning that Lou Jianian could not have children.

In fact, Rao Shichen's immediate concern was not that Lou Jianian would not be able to have a child, but that Lou Jianian would be sad and unacceptable when he found out.

Every girl has the desire to be a mother, especially a married girl.

If you can't have children, it is definitely a kind of torture for girls.

Rao Shichen felt that his forehead twitched more violently, and his chest felt a bit dull.

Rao Shichen paid special attention to anything related to Lou Jianian.

It is actually somewhat difficult to keep a secret for a lifetime.

After getting married, there has been nothing to do, so there must be a problem in some link, in other words, Lou Jianian will definitely find out in the end.

Rao Shichen had serious eyebrows, his thin lips were tightly pursed, and his palms were also tightening unconsciously.

At this moment, Lou Shuyu said with a embarrassed expression, "Actually, there is medicine that can solve the problem of my sister's inability to have children."

Can it be cracked?

Rao Shichen raised his eyebrows, and glanced at the person standing not far in front of him.

The smell of the perfume in the air still hasn't dissipated, it's everywhere.

But Lou Shuyu's words did make Rao Shichen ignore the smell of perfume.All he could hear was a cold look on his face, "Say clearly!"

(End of this chapter)

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