The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 1747 This is a big revelation!

Chapter 1747 This is a big revelation!

Rao Yanzhong took a sip of tea, put it down, and said, "Ten knives, I agree."

"Ten knives is not a bad number." Lou Jianian also agreed.

Lou Shuyu: "!!!"

What does this take them for?

Li Xiangyun: "!!!"

Bunch of lunatics!
the other side.

Weibo broke the news that Maharaja was eating instant noodles at home.

Recently, because there is no entertainment news to break out, he is so worried that he is going bald.

However, just as he was holding a fork and taking a sip of noodles, he suddenly found out that someone had sent him a private message.

So, while eating noodles, he held the mouse and clicked on the private message.

The person who sent the private message was an anonymous person, and then sent him some compressed files.

Because he didn't know what it was, he downloaded the file and clicked to open it.

As he touched the mouse, a video began to appear on the screen.

The video screen is very exciting, the world's best!
The Whistleblower stared wide-eyed, and the fork in his hand fell to the ground without reacting.

It wasn't until the video was played that he jumped up in surprise.

Fuck!This is a big revelation!

It was too late to eat noodles, so he directly dragged the keyboard and started typing. After editing the text, he added the video.

Then, he hits publish.

After a big revelation was posted on his Weibo, not a while later, it immediately caused a big wave on the Internet.

I saw netizens forwarding and commenting one after another.

[My mother, it's so exciting!Is it really okay to suddenly let me see this in the middle of the night? 】

[I was so scared that I quickly threw away all the melon seeds in my hand, tsk tsk, I didn't expect that the entertainment industry has become such a mess. 】

[I want to vomit, is this Lou Shuyu?Before she bought Bei Xiao's inspiration and pretended to be her own creation, the story has not yet been turned over. Today, I saw her such a hot video in private. 】

【Depend on!Is Lou Shuyu so big?However, this figure is really good! 】

[Upstairs, don't be stupid, learn more about silica gel, thank you! 】

In just a few minutes, this Weibo was rushed to the hot search.

The picture is too "stunning" for people's eyes!
Many netizens went to Lou Shuyu's Weibo to curse people.

Under every Weibo, there will be some unsightly words.

[It's so disgusting, you've gotten to this extent, get out of the entertainment circle quickly, you! 】

【Ouch, if I hadn't seen the video, I wouldn't have known you were like this in private. For the sake of justice, for Xiaoxiao, I want you to get out of the entertainment circle. 】

[Don't worry, as long as it's your play, I won't watch it. Xiaoxiao was tricked by you before, I can't get over it! 】

【Fuck!Cancer, the scourge of the showbiz, right?Stop affecting "Zhaoyang Tianxia", I'm still waiting to watch the TV series played by my male god, now it's alright, you directly let the TV series I'm looking forward to be affected. 】

【block!block!Please ban it! 】

People on the Internet are still cursing Lou Shuyu.

However, Lou Shuyu didn't know anything about it at the moment.

She was still bound and had a knife in her hand.

Right in front of him, Li Xiangyun was lying on the ground, unable to move at all.

And she was still on the same cold ground as Li Xiangyun, and then she had to make a choice.

Either he slashed Li Xiangyun's face ten times, or his own face was slashed ten times.

I saw that she was holding a knife in her hand tied in front of her body, and her feet were also tied, so it was difficult for her to move.

However, in front of her eyes was Li Xiangyun's face.

Lou Jianian folded his arms around his chest, stood aside, and reminded: "Start making choices, I'll give you 1 minute."

(End of this chapter)

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