Chapter 1760 Feeling speechless

When Rao Shixin entered the apartment, before he had time to change his shoes, he immediately snatched the document bag from Liang Feimo's hand.

Because she wanted the man to leave quickly, she hurriedly opened the file bag.

With the fastest speed, she wrapped the rope on the bag round and round.

When she opened the file bag, she immediately reached out and took the things out.

In fact, there is nothing else that can be put in the document bag except the contract materials.

Before opening the file bag, she doubted that what was inside would be an endorsement contract.

How should I put it, now that she has completely become the girlfriend of the president of the Liang Group, so inviting her to be the spokesperson will definitely save a lot of endorsement fees.

Anyway, she has also been in contact with businessmen, so she didn't know that businessmen always only pay attention to profits.Therefore, she had decided that what was in it was an endorsement contract.

However, when she took out the file and opened it, she was stunned.

This... turned out to be a real estate transfer document?And there are several copies.

But wait, why does the address written on it look familiar?

She carefully looked at the address above.

The next second, she raised her eyes and gritted her teeth, "Liang Feimo!"

Liang Feimo, who was standing at the entrance, had a gleam of light on his usual handsome and cold face, "What's wrong?"

"You are the nouveau riche who bought all my houses?" Rao Shixin now realized belatedly that he seemed to have been tricked.

When she first signed the spokesperson for Liang's jewelry, in order not to get involved with Liang Feimo, she would rather pay the breach of contract fee and contact the spokesperson's identity.

Because the breach of contract written in the contract is one billion yuan, although it is not very difficult for her to come up with so much money at once, the time is too tight. In the end, she had no choice but to sell all the houses under her name. Fortunately, there just happened to be a nouveau riche who bought all her houses in one go, so she was able to get one billion.

However, now she knows that the man who bought all her houses is Liang Feimo himself.

What does this mean?
It can only explain that she was tricked by Liang Feimo like a fool before.

"Speak!" She felt a surge of energy and blood, a little angry!
Liang Feimo raised his eyebrows, stepped forward and wanted to put her body into his arms and explain it clearly, but he had just moved his body but was pushed away by her palm, and he could hear her In a dissatisfied tone, he said: "If you don't explain clearly, you can never spend the night here."

Because of his anger, Rao Shixin had no idea that he had no intention of keeping the man overnight.

Hearing this, Liang Feimo was silent, and then slowly said: "I know you are angry, listen to me, I bought all your houses before, but I just don't want to sell the house you lived in to others, you belong to me Woman, I don't allow others to be contaminated with your aura in the house."

Rao Shixin took a deep breath, "Okay, I will treat you as barely passing the test, but what did you mean when you asked me to be your spokesperson?"

"What's the point?" Liang Feimo stared at her with deep eyes, "I just want to sign you and see you every day."

These words made Rao Shixin stunned, and then his blood seemed to flow a lot, "Liang's spokesperson announced that the breach of contract fee is 2000 million, but my breach of contract fee is one billion? Are you doing it on purpose? You want to trick me? How do you explain that?"

"One billion, I just don't want you to break the contract." Liang Feimo paused, "If it's 2000 million, what are you worried about? Didn't you throw money and break the contract long ago?"

Rao Shixin: "."

I felt speechless.

(End of this chapter)

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