Chapter 1774
A pair of dark eyes fell on the document for the man who was caught up in his work.

Soon, after reading it, he picked up the golden pen and was about to sign it, but at this moment, the phone vibrated suddenly, indicating that there was news.

After he signed his name, he picked up his phone and opened it, and found that it was sent by a girl, and his eyes were instantly tinged with light.

Rao Shixin: Did you touch anything in my apartment?
Seeing the message, he rubbed his fingers against the edge of the phone before tapping the screen.

Liang Feimo: No
As soon as the message was sent, a reply came immediately.

Rao Shixin: If you let me know that you lied to me, then I will never end with you.

not finished?

Liang Feimo stared at the last two words, with deep eyes and brows, and a certain inspection report and 82 license plate number hidden under the drawer of the dressing table in the apartment flashed through his mind.

For a while, he typed on the phone, but deleted it after typing, and finally did not send it.

He put down his phone, got up and left his seat, and walked to the French windows, looking at the vehicles coming and going on the overpass in the distance, with too many emotions in his eyes for a moment.

Time seemed to be stopped.

Until, there was a knock on the door, and then Wen Rong came in with some urgent documents.

Liang Feimo sat behind the desk again, took out the urgent documents that had just been sent in, read the documents in a very short time, closed them with signatures, and pushed them to Wen Rong.

At the desk, Wen Rong picked up the document again, and then said respectfully: "Mr. Liang, a batch of excellent gemstones have been mined in country M. They are bright in color and can shine. The acquisition department asked that we need to send someone to meet them." How about a moment? Or just negotiate online?"

Hearing this, Liang Feimo raised his eyebrows, "Country M?"

Wen Rong was taken aback, "Yes, it's in Country M."

Liang Feimo tapped the table with his fingers, and was silent for a second before he spoke in the next second and said: "Put all the matters to the back, book the ticket now, and I will go there in person."

"?" Wen Rong thought he had misheard, but after a quick reaction in his mind, he realized that he hadn't misheard.

Soon, he nodded respectfully in response, "Yes, Mr. Liang, I'll arrange it now." After speaking, he left the office.

However, after walking out of the office, he was still a little puzzled.

For such a trivial matter, Mr. Liang actually wants to go there himself?
too weird!

Rao Shixin, who was taking a bath in country M, felt a little uncomfortable when he found that he hadn't received a reply from the other party on WeChat.

You bastard, you were still lingering with him last night, but it was only a few hours, and you are not even happy to reply to a message?
Or, did he touch her things while he was in the apartment?
Thinking about it carefully, she still has the license plate number hidden in her drawer, which is really careless.

Speaking of this license plate number, she actually planned to give it to Liang Feimo as a birthday present back then.Because Liang Feimo didn't lack for anything, and it was Liang Feimo's first birthday when she and Liang Feimo were dating, so she worked hard to give something different.

Later, she discovered that the license plate number on her brother's car happened to be Liang Feimo's birthday, so she exhausted all her efforts to get the license plate number from her brother, and planned to give it to Liang Feimo on his birthday. In the morning, she didn't expect that before her birthday, she suddenly found out that there was a tumor growing in her brain.

If it wasn't for the tumor in her brain, she wouldn't have begun to recognize the relationship between her and Liang Feimo until she became disheartened.

(End of this chapter)

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