The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 1790 Is Retribution Coming?

Chapter 1790 Is Retribution Coming?

Liang Feimo raised his eyebrows slightly, and his face was paralyzed with a certain expression, "I will tell you in advance."

"Wait a minute, what's the future? There's no future." Rao Shixin began to twist, trying to break free from the man's arms, but found that no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't let the man let go.

So she rolled her eyes, "Can you let me go?"

"I can't." Liang Feimo held her wrist in his palm and said, "You didn't miss me?"

"No." Rao Shixin said the answer directly without hesitation.

Liang Feimo narrowed his eyes, "It's a lie."

"What's there to lie about?" Rao Shixin pouted, "I'm here to work, why do I miss you? Besides, without you by my side, I feel a lot cleaner."

Liang Feimo was silent, and in the next second, he immediately picked him up in the air.

This operation surprised Rao Shixin.

She quickly stretched out her hands and grabbed the man, using it to stabilize herself from falling.

"Hey, what are you doing?" It was only when she asked this that she noticed some dissatisfaction in the man's expression.

Then, she heard the man's dangerous and threatening tone, saying, "Try and see, do you miss me?"


When Rao Shixin heard this, he instantly felt something bad in his mind.

Those words just now obviously dissatisfied this man.


Just like that, the man carried her directly to the bathroom.

What's even weirder is that she didn't even think about refusing anything.

Regarding this, she believed that it must be because she was too tired after attending the red carpet show today and didn't want to move, so she was too lazy to struggle.

Soon, she entered the bathroom after being hugged, followed by the sound of rushing water, accompanied by some slight gasps.


Early in the morning, Lou Jianian received the news that Lou Shuyu was taken away by the police and was suspected to be related to Zhang Yichi's homicide.

Before Zhang Yichi's disappearance, she thought it was just someone missing, but she didn't expect that he was killed, and the murderer turned out to be Lou Shuyu.

Unexpectedly, she originally planned to study Lou Shuyu's mobile phone carefully, thinking to find out her secrets, but because she was busy with work during the day, she was pestered by a man at night, so that she didn't even that time.

It's just that she didn't have time to study the mobile phone, but Lou Shuyu had already advanced to the police station.

Does this count as retribution?

Sitting in the car, all she could think about was Lou Shuyu.

Until, a certain man held her hand and said in a magnetic voice, "Still thinking about it?"

She reacted, pursed her lips, and said, "I didn't expect that she would kill someone."

"This proves that she is the cancerous scourge of society. Now that she has entered the police station, I believe she will be sentenced soon." Rao Shichen's eyes were deep, "From now on, you don't need to be disturbed by her anymore."

"I don't know how Li Xiangyun is doing now? Lou Shuyu has always been her most beloved granddaughter. If she finds out that Lou Shuyu will be sentenced, she must go crazy."

Rao Shichen raised his eyebrows, "It's good to be crazy, that old hag is destined not to die well."

"Now the whole Lou family is like this." Lou Jianian sighed inexplicably.

"No matter what happens, it's the ending they deserve."

Soon, the car stopped at Lou's gate.

When Lou Jianian saw him, he said goodbye to Rao Shichen, then opened the door and got out of the car.

The car started up again and drove towards Rao's direction.

(End of this chapter)

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