The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 1803 She still has uneasiness in her heart

Chapter 1803 She still has uneasiness in her heart
Standing outside and guarding all the time, she still felt uneasy in her heart.

Until, the door of the emergency room was finally opened.

Her eyes were anxious, and when she saw the doctor and nurse coming out, she immediately went forward and asked, "Doctor, what's the matter?"

She didn't even know it herself. When she asked this sentence, her voice was trembling.

The doctor coughed lightly, and raised his hand to touch the invisible sweat on his forehead, "The rescue was successful."

Successful rescue?

When these four words came out of the doctor's mouth, Rao Shixin almost cried with joy.

This is happier than she won the award.

Liang Feimo did not die, but was rescued.

Very good!
Just when she was full of joy, she suddenly heard the doctor say, "However, the patient's condition needs to be observed in the future, and the patient may have some sequelae. This will only be known after a careful examination."

"Sequelae?" Rao Shixin froze for a moment, then asked anxiously: "Doctor, what kind of sequelae might he have?"

The doctor paused, "This."

On the side, the nurse rushed to speak, "Patients may become incontinent, unable to move for a short period of time, need to be fed for food and water, and may be frustrated in their hearts, and need the call of love to heal."

Rao Shixin shook his body, "How long will this situation last?"

"It's not certain. It may be for a short time, or it may be for a lifetime. If he is really like this for the rest of his life, are you willing to take care of him?" The nurse was a little curious, so she asked a lot.

The so-called adversity sees the truth, the average girl must run away immediately when she hears her boyfriend like this.

Rao Shixin paused for a moment, his mind flashed through the usual cold and handsome man, who might become a person with limited mobility for the rest of his life.

Almost when thinking of that scene, her whole heart felt as if she had been stung by something, and she felt very uncomfortable.

If she remembered correctly, the car hit her at that time, if no man had protected her in time, she would be the one who was injured now.

He didn't expect that in a dangerous moment, the man only cared about her safety, but he didn't consider his own at all.

Since the man was hurt because of her, why should she not take care of him?
Thinking of this, her eyes became firmer, she clenched her little hands tightly, and said: "No matter what he becomes in this life, whether he is disabled or disabled, I will take care of him."

Hearing this, the nurse was surprised, and even the doctor showed an expression of disbelief.

The girl in front of her has a serious expression, and she doesn't mean to be perfunctory at all, which proves that the girl has made a decision from the bottom of her heart.

Inexplicably, the nurses and doctors were moved.

Also being a girl, the nurse couldn't help hugging Rao Shixin and said, "I believe your boyfriend will be fine, but please promise us that as long as your boyfriend is fine, you must marry him. "

Such a good man, in order to marry his girlfriend, would risk his life to protect his girlfriend's safety. It would be a pity if he didn't marry him.

marry him?
Rao Shixin was stunned for a moment, then nodded directly, "Well, no matter whether he is fine or not, I will depend on him for the rest of my life."

"It's so touching, woo woo woo." After all, the little nurse was young, and suddenly burst into tears.

Rao Shixin was a little caught off guard.

Why are you crying?
"Cough, Miss Nurse, don't worry, my boyfriend and I will definitely get married. By the way, can I go in now?"

(End of this chapter)

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