The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 1808 Who doesn't value sex over friends?

Chapter 1808 Who doesn't value sex over friends?
After clicking in, she immediately read the content.

However, after reading it, she couldn't believe it.

The content of the news was very simple. It mainly said that Lou Shuyu was convicted of homicide, including the crime of intentional wounding, so he was sentenced to life imprisonment.

When the words "life imprisonment" appeared in front of her eyes, she suddenly felt her head buzzing, her heart was beating faster, and her breathing became difficult.

In fact, she knew that Lou Shuyu's case would go to trial in the morning, but she didn't have time to go to the court. After all, she had to buy time to run errands and use her connections to rescue Lou Shuyu.

She believes that there will definitely be no major problems in the trial of the case in the morning. Apart from the fact that there will be another trial, the conviction should not be so fast.

However, her estimate was wrong.

Unexpectedly, the case has been settled, and even the charges have been placed, which means that no matter what method she uses, she will not be able to save Lou Shuyu.

Maybe it was because of the sudden blow that caused her blood to surge up, and she couldn't catch her breath, so she suddenly passed out.

In the front seat, the driver noticed something was wrong, looked through the rearview mirror, and was surprised to find that the person in the back seat had passed out.

"Old lady?!"

at dusk.

Lou Jianian finished the last bit of work, and then left.

However, before leaving, she saw Jing Chen again.Needless to say, of course Jing Chen didn't come to find her.

And she, of course, knew it well.

When she met Jing Chen in the corridor, she just said hello, Jing Chen didn't even look at her, just passed her, and went directly to the secretary's room.

Being ignored, Lou Jianian is not surprised.

How should I put it, when it comes to love, who doesn't value sex over friends?
So, it's no wonder that when she was with Rao Shichen back then, her whole body and mind were on Rao Shichen, and she couldn't see Jing Chen at all, even though Jing Chen was a good best friend she grew up with.

Now, it's Jingchen, isn't it the same?With Jing Chen's eagerness to find Sang Ye just now, how could he see the existence of her best friend?

After thinking about it, she raised her eyebrows and raised her lips.Originally, she was worried that Jing Chen would be alone, but now, with the mulberry leaves, Jing Chen obviously has a little more romantic atmosphere.

It seems that she made the right decision to give Jing Chen and Sang Ye a chance to be together.

Maybe it was because she was happy that Jing Chen was able to end her single life, and the fact that Lou Shuyu was sentenced made her feel even better.

The work was also done, she didn't waste time, and she didn't go to gossip about Jing Chen and Sang Ye, she just took the elevator and left the company, and sent a message to Rao Shichen by the way.

Lou Jianian: How about eating hot pot at night?
Rao Shichen, who was waiting in the car downstairs, raised his eyebrows slightly when he saw the news.

The afterglow of the setting sun shone on him through the car window, adding a touch of halo to his exquisite and beautiful profile, making him look particularly warm.

After reading the message, he didn't reply, but just glanced out of the car window.

From this angle, you can just see the figure of the girl walking out of the lobby.

The girl was still holding the phone in her hand, apparently she had just sent the message and hadn't put the phone away yet.

Walking out of the lobby and walking down the steps, the girl's slender and pretty figure, while looking capable under the professional suit, also added a bit of charming charm.

The black professional suit is cold and mysterious, yet still beautiful. In addition, the girl's jet-black long hair is rolled up, revealing a delicate face the size of a palm. She has light makeup and fair skin with rosy skin.

Rao Shichen's hazel eyes couldn't be moved away at all, as if admiring a beautiful painting.

(End of this chapter)

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