The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 1840 You Can't Move Your Eyes

Chapter 1840 You Can't Move Your Eyes


Lou Jianian really did not expect that the Presidential Palace turned out to be so grand and luxurious without being extravagant at all.

Hanging on the wall is a famous painting from the last century, which was painted by a famous master from country A. From warm lamps, spiral stairs, to stone bricks, etc., you can see the exquisite decoration even in the details.

Fu Siruo smiled and took Lou Jianian's hand, "Daughter-in-law, this will be your home from now on, please come more often, you know?"

Hearing this, Lou Jianian's heart warmed up, and she nodded, "Yes, I will, grandma."

"Hey." When Fu Siruo looked at Lou Jianian, he couldn't move his eyes away.

Lou Jianian was a little embarrassed to be seen.

At this moment, An Luomei came over, "Nian Nian, are you hungry?"

Lou Jianian shook his head, "Fortunately, I'm not very hungry."

"You're welcome at home. You haven't had dinner yet, so you must be hungry." An Luomei smiled and said, "You're not familiar with this presidential palace. I'll take you around after dinner. Now Let's go to the restaurant for dinner first."

Fu Siruo agreed very much, "Yes, yes, eat first, daughter-in-law, you must be very hungry. I will show you around the presidential palace later, my old lady, and now let's go and eat first, and let's go." While speaking, The old man dragged Lou Jianian towards the restaurant.

Behind her, An Luomei looked at the figure of the old man who was eager to leave, and couldn't help but add joy to her brows, "Look at how excited Mom is."

Cui Zhen couldn't help but sigh, "The queen hasn't been this happy for a long time."

"No, Mom has been the queen for so many years, so I'm pretty tired. Today I knew I was able to see my granddaughter-in-law, so I was so happy that I ordered someone to go to the wine cellar to take out a bottle of good wine to celebrate. Seeing Mom was happy, I also I am happy for my mother from the bottom of my heart."

At this moment, Rao Shichen happened to walk in. Hearing these words, he paused before walking forward and said, "I didn't expect that I could make grandma happy like this when I bring my daughter-in-law back."

Hearing this, An Luomei glanced at the person coming, then raised her hand and patted Rao Shichen's shoulder lightly, and said lightly, "Who told you not to bring your wife here earlier."

"My fault, auntie, I will bring Niannian to accompany grandma in the future."

"That's about the same. Your grandma is talking about you all day long. By the way, there is also Shi Xin. Is this girl really going to marry Liang Feimo from the Liang Group?" An Luomei only learned about it from the entertainment news.

Rao Shichen nodded, "Well, Shi Xin's marriage is her own decision."

Hearing this, An Luomei understood, "So that's how it is. Since Shi Xin made the decision, it proves that Shi Xin has really identified Liang Feimo of the Liang Group. Come over and show your uncle and grandma."

"Shixin already has this plan, but she is busy with work, I think she will bring Liang Feimo over in the next two days." Rao Shichen knew that he must meet everyone about marriage matters. Only the elders can do it.

It's a pity that Liang Feimo didn't know that Rao Shixin still had the status of Her Royal Highness Princess of Country A.

When An Luomei heard this, she breathed a sigh of relief, "That's good. If Shi Xin really didn't plan to bring that Liang Feimo over to show your grandma, I'm afraid your grandma will be very sad."

"Sad?" Rao Shichen felt that this word was a bit new.

"Hey, you don't know, your grandma has the halo of a queen, but she is just an old lady in private. When you get old, you will inevitably think wildly. When you read the news before, your grandma already knew that Shi Xin was in love. And about getting married soon, but Shi Xin never brought that man over to see your grandma, your grandma always thought that Shi Xin had forgotten her existence as an old man."

Rao Shichen was silent.

(End of this chapter)

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