The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 1842 There is one more group in WeChat

Chapter 1842 There is an extra group in WeChat
Fu Siruo took out his mobile phone with a smile, and opened WeChat to show Lou Jianian, "Daughter-in-law, I didn't have the nerve to send you messages before, but now it's all over, you should always send me WeChat messages when you have nothing to do."

Hearing this, Lou Jianian nodded, "Of course, as long as I am free, I will definitely chat with grandma."

Speaking of A Ruo's WeChat account, she suddenly remembered that when Rao Shichen was on a business trip, someone named A Ruo came to add her at night. At that time, she didn't know who this A Ruo was, and she didn't realize until now. It's grandma.

But, wait, not long after grandma added her, aunt also added her on WeChat.

After thinking about it, she finally understood. It seemed that grandma and aunt had secretly known about the existence of her granddaughter-in-law.

After knowing this, she inexplicably felt a little more comfortable.

She originally thought that Rao Shichen had never mentioned her in this family after the evidence was pulled, but now it seems that this is not the case.

Just at the moment when she was thinking deeply, the wechat on the mobile phone suddenly vibrated, and then she clicked on it to find that there was an extra group in wechat.This WeChat group shows that Ah Ruo invited her to join.

Seeing this, she froze for a moment, raised her gaze, and looked at the old man in front of her.

Fu Siruo smiled with unusually obvious wrinkles at the corners of his eyes and eyebrows. He held the phone in his hand and said, "Nian Nian, I just created a group, and we can chat in this group from now on."

On the side, An Luomei was also holding her mobile phone, very happy, "Mom, your group is so well built, we can chat with Nian Nian if we have nothing to do." Then, she sent a message in the group emoticons.

An Luomei: Cute.jpg
Just finished posting, followed by Fu Siruo also posted one.

Fu Siruo: Blink.jpg
Seeing the vibration of the mobile phone, Lou Jianian looked at the emoticons that appeared in the WeChat group, and couldn't laugh or cry for a moment.

Rao Shichen, who was always sitting by the side without having time to say anything, silently took out his mobile phone and looked at WeChat, only to find that he was not invited into that group.

Rao Shichen: "?"

At this moment, Fu Siruo seemed to have seen Rao Shichen's thoughts, and said, "Only women like us can be in this group, and men are exempt."

An Luomei reminded: "Mom, where is Shixin? You forgot to invite her."

"Oh yes, I almost forgot." Fu Siruo quickly manipulated and invited Rao Shixin to join the group.

After a while, Rao Shixin appeared in the group.

Rao Shixin: Damn it!Little sister-in-law?

Fu Siruo: What's the matter?You only see your little sister-in-law?
Rao Shixin: Of course not, there is also a beautiful and generous grandmother, and a beautiful and excellent aunt.Refill.jpg
Fu Siruo: Hmph, you stinky girl is about to get married, so you must have forgotten about my grandmother. Also, the so-called married granddaughter splashed water, I'm just a grandmother, what's the point.

Rao Shixin, who is far away in China, is on the set.

Wearing a heavy and complicated dress, she is in the intermission and will continue filming later.

Seeing that she was holding the phone in her hand, she couldn't help sighing in a low voice when she saw the little emotions expressed in the words of the old people in the wechat group.

She is obviously a little padded jacket, why do grandpa and grandma always call her a stinky girl?

Moreover, no matter in front of her grandpa or grandma, she always has nothing but to be disliked.

too difficult!
(End of this chapter)

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