The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 1844 The male god of the people of the whole country

Chapter 1844 The male god of the people of the whole country

Unexpectedly, the man's words would become more and more indecent, Rao Shixin immediately pinched off the phone screen.

However, the phone kept vibrating several times. It was obvious that the man was still sending her messages.

She didn't plan to watch it, so she wouldn't blush later, after all, she still had to film.

However, at this moment, Yang Hui came over, holding an iPad in his hand, planning to tell her about the upcoming itinerary. She knew that she was going to country A, so she asked Yang Hui to postpone all the itineraries up.

Yang Hui didn't understand what she was doing, until she said she was going to take her fiancé, Liang Feimo, back to meet the elders, Yang Hui understood instantly.

Out of gossip, Yang Hui secretly asked how her wedding with Liang Feimo would be held.

She didn't know how to answer this question herself.

After finally sending Yang Hui away, she began to think seriously.

It was the first time she got married, and she didn't know what Liang Feimo would plan.

In fact, she is still looking forward to the wedding.A girl only wears a wedding dress once in her life, and it must be beautiful.

Thinking of this, she picked up her phone and planned to ask the man, but when she clicked on WeChat, she saw some indecent chat content that the man just kept sending.

Immediately, she twitched the corners of her eyes, and simply stopped asking.

However, after being reminded by the man, it also reminded her of those scenes from last night.She herself blushed inexplicably.

It's all because she's so easily sunk.

At this moment, the director started calling for someone, so she realized that the next scene could start.

On the other side, country A.

The ambience of the restaurant is very nice.

When Fu De appeared with Fu Ke'er in his arms, the atmosphere changed instantly.

Fu Siruo, who was on the main seat, looked dissatisfied with Fu De.

Fu De: "."

What's up with the snacks?

Seeing that Fu De was still hugging Fu Ke'er, An Luomei quickly waved, "Ke'er, come down quickly, and sit with Mommy for dinner."

Hearing this, Fu Ke'er slipped out of Fu De's embrace, then ran to sit next to An Luomei, and began to pick up the tableware and eat.

For children, nothing is more important than eating.

Maybe it was because she was starving, the little girl didn't have time to pay attention to the adults at the table, she just ate the steak on the plate bit by bit.

Seeing Fu De appear, Lou Jianian stood up politely and called out, "Uncle, I'm sorry, I took my seat without waiting for you."

Although it can be seen that the president's uncle has some inexplicable opinions on her, she is a junior after all, and she always has the courtesy she should have.

Fu De frowned slightly, but his expression was still serious.

At this moment, Rao Shichen got up and took Lou Jianian's hand with his palm, as if supporting Lou Jianian.He could only hear him say humbly: "Uncle, you must be hungry after a busy day today. Let's sit down and eat together."

Fu De swept Rao Shichen's eyes and snorted softly.

However, at this moment, Fu Siruo pulled Lou Jianian and said, "Niannian, sit down and don't pay attention to your uncle. He is just a walking refrigerator. He treats everyone like this. You don't need to be so polite to him." .”

Fu De twitched the corner of his mouth.

Is the old mother deliberately trying to demolish him in front of the two juniors?
However, at this moment, An Luomei also spoke, "Oh, Nian Nian, your grandma is right, your uncle has such a weird temper, listen to your aunt, you just sit down and eat, anyway, we all A family doesn't have so many etiquettes."

Fu De almost had a heart attack.

what is this?
Now even his own wife doesn't give him any face?
Anyway, he is also the male god of the people of the whole country!

(End of this chapter)

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