The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 1846 Looks like an adult with a deep face

Chapter 1846 Looks like an adult with a deep face

The ambiance at the table is still very good.

Lou Jianian liked the chef's dinner very much.

Soon, after dinner, a few people moved to the living room to watch TV while drinking tea.

Fu Siruo was probably very excited because he saw his grandson-in-law for the first time.

Throughout the night, the old man almost held Lou Jianian's hand and chatted non-stop with a smile on his face.

Rao Shichen seemed a bit redundant on one side.

As for An Luomei, at first she also drank tea and watched TV with the old man.When it was a little later, An Luomei went back to the room first in order to put Fu Ke'er to sleep first.

At this time, An Luomei, who was in the children's room, had finished washing Fu Ke'er, and then lay on the bed with Fu Ke'er, and began to tell fairy tales with a storybook.

All I could hear was An Luomei patiently telling the story of the three little pigs.

Until, after the story was told, Fu Ke'er still hadn't fallen asleep.

An Luomei felt a little strange.You know, normally this little guy falls asleep as soon as he touches the pillow, but today it should be half an hour after the fairy tale is finished, but the little guy is still blinking his eyes, he is a little sleepy I don't mean it.

"Ke'er, why aren't you asleep?" An Luomei touched the little guy's head and asked gently.

After hearing this, Fu Ke'er sighed, "Mummy, I can't sleep."

"Oh? Why is that? We Ke'er also suffer from insomnia? Could it be that something unhappy happened to us?"

"Yes, Mommy, I have something unhappy."

An Luomei raised her eyebrows and became interested for a while.It's been a long time since my daughter, who has always been lively and cheerful, has unhappy things.

Perhaps out of curiosity, she couldn't wait to ask, "What's the matter?"

Fu Ke'er pursed her lips, looked like a serious adult, and said, "I don't like my cousin."

"What?" An Luomei thought she heard it wrong, so she couldn't help asking: "You don't like your cousin?"

"Yes." Fu Ke'er turned over, stared at An Luomei with big eyes, and continued: "I think my cousin is so handsome, my cousin is not worthy of my cousin at all."

An Luomei just felt speechless, "Then your cousin is also very beautiful, isn't a handsome man and a beautiful woman a natural match? How could they not match?"

"But, I think my cousin is not as beautiful as me." Fu Ke'er said blindly and confidently, "I think that the only person who can be worthy of my cousin is me."

Hearing this, An Luomei almost died of anger, "Your cousin can only be with your cousin, don't even think about it, you won't be able to be with your cousin for the rest of your life."

"Why?" Fu Keer frowned.

"Anyway, if I say no, I won't. You sleep for me, and your little head is not allowed to think about anything. Otherwise, you won't be able to eat tomorrow's cake."

When Fu Keer heard that there might not be any cake for tomorrow, she immediately shut up.

the other side.

In the lobby, the time is almost up.

After all, Fu Siruo was an elderly man.

Under Cui Zhen's reminder, the old man could only reluctantly go upstairs and go back to his room to rest.

Rao Shichen and Lou Jianian did not go back to the hotel, but stayed here overnight.

Back in the master bedroom, Lou Jianian saw that the room here was different from Xiyuan's, with gold decorations everywhere, which looked luxurious and exquisite.

Moreover, the spaciousness of the bedroom is really no less than that of Xiyuan.

(End of this chapter)

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