The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 1868 is related to the security of the entire country A

Chapter 1868 is related to the security of the entire country A
At this time, in the study.

Fu De was working, but suddenly learned that the G defense system was hacked and there was still no progress.

Because the system is so important, and Ruijie has secretly summoned many hackers, but still can't solve the matter.

You must know that the information in the G defense system is related to the security of the entire country A.

There is no way, Fu De can only temporarily put down half of the work in his hands, and then plans to go to the G defense system headquarters to have a look.

Just when he was about to go out, An Luomei came in with tea.Seeing that he was going out in a suit, An Luomei couldn't help asking curiously.

Fu De didn't tell An Luomei about this, but said that he needed to go out for an important matter.

Then, he left without looking back.

An Luomei watched him leave, feeling that something must have happened.

After Fu De didn't come back to the presidential palace all night, An Luomei woke up early the next morning and knew something must have happened.

When the sun was slightly bright, she woke up, probably because she couldn't sleep well.

After getting up, she changed her clothes and went downstairs, sitting directly in the living room waiting for someone.

It's been a whole night, and Fu De hasn't come back.

Usually, at such times, it can only explain that Fu has encountered a major event that is related to the country.

As the president's wife, she is also worried about the entire country A.

At this time, Fu De, who was at the headquarters of the G defense system, was already in a state of desperation.

He didn't close his eyes all night.

All the in-house techies are there too, including the hackers.

Rows of keyboards on the table made crackling sounds as they were being tapped, resounding throughout the headquarters.

The system has been hacked until now, and the means of the other party's intrusion are too powerful, and currently no one can crack it.

Fu De looked dignified, propped his hands on the table, and stared at the rows of garbled characters on the big screen.

By his side, Ruijie knew how much the system would be affected by hacking.

If the system is invaded and cannot be successfully cracked, all information will be taken away in a very short time.

In this way, the entire country A will be in danger.

Fu De's eyes were deep, "Damn! Who is it? They want to invade our G defense system."

"Sir, why don't we openly recruit hackers?" Ruijie really had no choice.

At present, all hackers that can be used have been used, but they still cannot solve the problem of the system being hacked.

Fu De raised his hand and rubbed his forehead, "Open recruitment, isn't it the fact that the system was hacked?"

"This..." Ruijie reacted and lowered his head: "I'm sorry, sir, I didn't think carefully, but at this moment, there is really no other way."

Hearing this, Fu De pursed his lips, and a person seemed to flash past in front of his eyes.

The next second, he clenched his fist and said, "I think, maybe someone can try it."

"Sir?" Ruijie couldn't help asking curiously.

Fu De glanced at Ruijie, then took out his mobile phone, and dialed directly.

On the runway outside the presidential palace.

Rao Shichen, who had just finished five laps, took a short rest before going back along the path to take a shower.

However, at this moment, he suddenly received a call.It's Fu De calling.

Fu De didn't say anything, just asked him to prepare and then come to the G defense system headquarters.

After answering the call, he held the phone and thought for a while.

Soon, a car came to meet him, and the driver was Ruijie.

From Ruijie's mouth, Rao Shichen learned about the hacking of the G defense system.

Before getting into the car, he suddenly thought of something, so he asked Rui Jie to wait for him, followed him directly inside, and pulled Lou Jianian who was still sleeping.

(End of this chapter)

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