The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 1877 Makes People Just Want to Enjoy Quietly

Chapter 1877 Makes People Just Want to Enjoy Quietly

The car drove all the way to the presidential palace.

The night is quiet and the starry sky is bright.

After Lou Jianian got off the car, he felt very happy.

After working all day, when she came back, she naturally relaxed as well.

Rao Shichen parked the car, and then held Lou Jianian's hand, it was still early, not very late, so there was no need to rush in.

So, holding hands, they walked around the path to the garden.

The fall garden is full of fallen leaves.

The evening wind was a bit cool, and it made people shrink unnaturally.

Rao Shichen took off his suit jacket and put it on Lou Jianian's body.

Although it is not very cold in this season, it is night after all, and it is always easy to catch a cold outside.

Lou Jianian felt the warmth of the suit jacket, which had a man's familiar scent on it, and a warm current passed through the heart unconsciously, and even the coolness of the limbs was dispelled.

After walking around the garden, the two sat down on a long wooden bench.

Lou Jianian leaned her head on the man's shoulder, looking at the stars in the sky with her eyes, her heart was very peaceful.

Good time, people just want to enjoy quietly.

Rao Shichen felt the warm little head melon on his shoulder, and seemed very quiet for a while.

In this way, neither of them spoke, but quietly felt each other's existence and this quiet night.

The street lamps were bright, and a gust of wind blew by, causing the leaves on the ground to spin and dance.

After a while, only the sound of steady footsteps came from not far away.

When the two of them heard the sound, they were both stunned. After sweeping their eyes, they found a figure appeared at the entrance of the garden.

The man was wearing a white shirt, with his hands behind his back, and he had a serious aura. Although he just walked in, he could still make people feel the ubiquitous aura.

It's Fu De.

Lou Jianian and Rao Shichen obviously didn't expect Fu De to appear, and of course, Fu De didn't expect either, but he just finished dinner and planned to take a walk in the garden, but they ran into two young men unexpectedly.

Moreover, the two young people were cuddling together, holding hands or something, which made Fu De feel for a while that he seemed to have disturbed the young couple.

When Lou Jianian realized that Fu De had spotted her and Rao Shichen, she immediately pulled Rao Shichen up from the chair.

The juniors outside the body naturally have to be polite first.

So, Lou Jianian called out, "Uncle."

Rao Shichen was no exception, and followed suit.

Fu De responded lightly, and then asked, "Why are you two here?"

"Niannian and I just came back. It was early anyway, so we went for a walk in the garden." The person who answered was Rao Shichen.

Fu De raised his eyebrows slightly, "Have you eaten yet?"

Even though Rao Shichen was disrespectful to Fu De because of the hacking of the system in the morning, he was his uncle and nephew after all, so naturally he wouldn't take that conflict to heart.

Rao Shichen: "Not yet."

"Let your aunt go and ask the chef to make something you want later." Fu De said, paused, then coughed lightly, and continued: "Shi Chen, go in and see what the kitchen is cooking, and what else is there?" , your grandma is also inside, probably still eating, she was still talking about you just now."

Hearing this, Rao Shichen was silent for a while, "Then Nian Nian and I will go in first."

Fu De frowned, and then said: "You go in first."

However, Rao Shichen stood still.

Lou Jianian knew that Fu De had something to say to him, so he raised his hand and pushed Shi Chen, "I want to eat grilled fish, can you tell the kitchen to make it for me?"

(End of this chapter)

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