The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 1882 An Luomei Was Worried About Him

Chapter 1882 An Luomei Was Worried About Him

In fact, Lou Jianian's guess was correct, because of Rao Shichen's tricks, Fu De felt as if he was holding his breath all night, unable to get up or down.

In the study, Fu De put on a black face, handling official business.

Suddenly, the door was pushed open, and An Luomei came in.

With tea in her hand, she walked to the table, put the tea down with a smile, and said, "I made you a cup of tea, let's have a rest."

If it wasn't because Lou Jianian said it himself, otherwise she wouldn't believe that Fu De didn't embarrass Lou Jianian at all.

Fu De looked at the cup of tea on the table, and his complexion improved a little.He put down the documents in his hand, picked up the tea, and took a sip.

The tea fragrance is mellow and refreshing, and it makes people feel comfortable when it enters the throat.

Originally, Fu De was still holding his breath, but after drinking such a sip of tea, he immediately felt a lot more comfortable.

An Luomei looked at the clock hanging on the wall, and asked, "It's already 11 o'clock, how long will it take?"

"From last night to today, too much time has been delayed to deal with these things. I'm afraid it will be a little later tonight." Fu De took another sip of tea.

When An Luomei heard that he had to work late, she couldn't help complaining, "Can't you save some for tomorrow? You said that you didn't sleep all night because of the hacking of the G defense system. When I came back, I slept for an hour or two. I went out to work again at noon, and when I came back in the evening, I went for a walk after dinner, and then I went to work again. I was working and working every day. How could my body handle it? "

"Although the person standing on the top of the mountain can be overlooked by everyone, he has more responsibilities and obligations than others. I am the president of country A. Since I have taken this position, I can't be lazy. Otherwise, how can I be worthy of it?" The trust and love of the people of country A for me?"

"That's what I said, but you are not only the president, you are also my mother's son, my husband, and Ke'er's father. Even if you are lazy occasionally, not for yourself, but for us, it is not good to wait until the body is out. Now that it’s over, let me tell you these things again?”

Fu De was taken aback for a moment, and a smile added to his brows, "I've been messing around for a long time, so you're worried about me?"

"Aren't you talking nonsense?" An Luomei gave him a blank look.

"Okay, okay, I know my own body well, don't worry, for mom, for you, and even more so, I will never ignore my body, so I'm busy tonight, so I can relax later gone."

"You say that every day, but one night you stayed up until one or two o'clock." An Luomei said with strong dissatisfaction, "Besides, you go to bed so late at night, and you have to get up early during the day, and then you are constantly busy. Don't forget, after the doctor checked you last time, he told you to rest earlier."

Because Fu De has been busy all year round, he often suffers from dizziness due to lack of rest. For this reason, the doctor specially checked him, only to find that his liver qi is insufficient, and some indicators even show that it is not very good.

Because of this matter, An Luomei was worried about him a lot.

"Okay, I know what to do, so you can relax, it's getting late, you go to bed first, and I'll accompany you after I'm done with this work, okay?" Fu De tried to please his wife.

An Luomei snorted, "Who wants you to accompany me? Anyway, you can only go to your room to rest until 12 o'clock at most, or I'll come and arrest you!"

Throwing down such a sentence, she turned and left.

(End of this chapter)

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