The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 1885 Being a father is naturally very sad

Chapter 1885 Being a father is naturally very sad
An Luomei stared at the ceiling and said, "Ke'er will be back tomorrow."

"Oh?" Fu De's eyes lit up, "My daughter is finally coming back."

"Hey, I don't know what she has learned after going to that new school." An Luomei couldn't hide her worry in her words.

Ever since she knew that Fu Ke'er liked Rao Shichen, and had been thinking of marrying her cousin Rao Shichen as his wife, An Luomei found Fu Ke'er a closed school overnight.

That school is at the top of the entire country A, and only noble children can enter, and the school's educational resources are very good.

An Luomei prayed in her heart that Fu Ke'er would change after going to school, at least she would stop having some weird thoughts in her mind.

"What are you worrying about so much?" Fu De comforted: "Ke'er is only eight years old, no matter what she has learned, as long as she lives well in school, let me tell you, why do you want to take care of Ke'er?" Kerr was sent to those closed schools, and now I only see Kerr on weekends."

"How can I not be worried?" An Luomei sighed, "The two of us now have only one daughter, Ke'er, even though Ke'er is only eight years old, but listen to what she usually says, don't give me away. I'm so mad, I'm sending her to school for education now, I hope she can make a good correction."

"Correction?" Fu De frowned, "My daughter didn't do anything out of line, so don't worry so much."

An Luomei held a puff of breath in her chest and said, "I said you are busy with business every day, so you don't know our daughter at all. Forget it. Now, let me tell you the truth. Your daughter already has someone she likes." , and that person happens to be our nephew."

"!" Fu De was startled, "What? Who does Ke'er like?"

"How much more clearly do I need to explain? Ke'er likes her cousin, that is, Shi Chen."

Fu De's face darkened instantly, "She actually likes Shi Chen!"

Speaking of this, Fu Decai just remembered what his daughter had said to him when he was at the gate of the Presidential Palace last time.

Immediately, he was in a bad mood.

My daughter is only eight years old, so she has such an idea?
Could it be that he is usually too busy and rarely spends time with his daughter, which causes some strange thoughts to arise in her mind?

Seeing that he was silent, An Luomei couldn't help snorting: "How is it? Now that I know my daughter has these thoughts, are you worried?"

I have to say, Fu De was really worried!
He got a middle-aged daughter, so he naturally regarded her as the apple of his eye. When he heard that his daughter liked his cousin, he was naturally very worried as a father.

"Hey, it's all my fault. It's because I didn't give my daughter more ideological education."

An Luomei licked her lips, but she didn't mean to blame her. Instead, she comforted her: "Forget it, I, as a mother, am also responsible for educating my daughter. It's not entirely your fault."

The night was getting darker.

It was rare for the husband and wife to have a good talk about their daughter's education.

The more we talked, the more sleepy I became.

Fu De couldn't sleep at all, but An Luomei was different.I saw her yawning, very sleepy.

"Why are you sleepy?" Fu De felt very strange.

An Luomei closed her eyes, and replied: "Of course I'm sleepy, why don't you sleep at this point?"

"Haven't you been insomnia before?"

"Yo, speaking of this, I almost forgot to thank Nian Nian."

Fu De was full of doubts: "What's the matter with Niannian?"

"Oh, you don't know, I didn't sleep well before, and last time Niannian gave me a prescription for me, and she asked me to take that prescription a few times. I didn't expect that since I took that After taking the prescription, my sleep began to improve, this Nian Nian is really amazing, even Chinese medicine understands it.”

(End of this chapter)

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