The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 1894 Fu Ke'er is a little speechless

Chapter 1894 Fu Ke'er is a little speechless
Rao Shixin had already sensed that something was wrong, so he quickly reached out and tore off the black blindfold.

Just now she heard the little girl screaming, it was obvious that the little girl was in danger.

When she took off the blindfold, she realized that the little girl was already safe.However, what puzzled her was that the little girl was actually hugged by someone, and that person was none other than her sister-in-law.

Maybe she didn't know exactly what happened, so she hurried forward to ask, "Sister-in-law, Ke'er, you guys"

Under Rao Shixin's suspicious gaze, Lou Jianian realized that she was still holding the little girl.Maybe it was because she knew in her heart that the little girl didn't like her, so she put down the little man in her arms.

When her feet touched the ground, Fu Keer finally came back to her senses.However, she was still shocked, after all, she just saw the live-action Fairy Fei.

All along, she has longed for fairies who can fly into the sky in TV dramas, but she never thought that she would be lucky enough to see one in reality.

At this moment, her brain still hasn't reacted from the scene of flying into the sky.

Lou Jianian didn't know why the little girl was always staring at him.She thought, maybe the little girl almost fell down just now and was frightened, so she is still in shock?
"Sister-in-law, when did you come? By the way, what happened to Ke'er just now?" Rao Shixin wondered what happened when his eyes were blindfolded just now.

Lou Jianian raised her eyebrows, and said simply: "I was basking in the sun on the second floor, and I happened to see Ke'er in the garden about to fall, so I gave her a hug."

"It turned out to be like this." Rao Shixin understood, "It's a good thing that Ke'er didn't fall, otherwise what would I do if I got hurt? It's a good thing I have you, sister-in-law."

After Lou Jianian finished speaking, she glanced at Fu Ke'er, but found that the little girl still looked stunned.It seems that you were quite frightened just now?
After thinking about it, she still had work to do, so she didn't intend to stay any longer, so she casually greeted Rao Shixin, and then went in.

After Lou Jianian's figure disappeared at the entrance, Rao Shixin looked away, and then realized that the little girl was always looking in the direction of the entrance.

Um?What's going on here?
Rao Shixin couldn't help reaching out and tapping the little girl's head.

"Hiss" Finally, the little girl reacted a bit, "It hurts so much, cousin, what are you doing?"

Rao Shixin folded his arms around his chest and said, "Why are you asking me? I'm asking you? What are you doing? Keep looking over there?"

"I'll see what's wrong." The little girl's eyes flickered a few times.

"Hmph, there must be something weird." Rao Shixin raised his hand and rubbed his chin, "By the way, my sister-in-law saved you just now, but you didn't even thank her. What's going on?"

Fu Ke'er was a little speechless.

"Little rascal, although we are a family, but my sister-in-law saved you after all, we still have to be polite. Remember, I have to find an opportunity to say thank you to my sister-in-law today." Rao Shixin said Suddenly, he couldn't help reaching out and scratching the little girl's nose.

The little girl licked her lips, "I know."

"Come on, keep playing." Rao Shixin held the blindfold and was about to put it on.

"Stop playing."

"What's wrong? Are you scared? Don't dare to play anymore?"

"Not at all."

"What's the matter?"

"Cousin Xinxin, I have a question for you."

"Just ask."

(End of this chapter)

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