The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 1900 It's time to be a mother

Chapter 1900 It's time to be a mother
When this topic started, Lou Jianian actually had yearning for old age in his heart.

In the past, she didn't know that she would marry such an excellent man, but now, she has obviously adapted to this status as Mrs. Rao, and even wants to accompany her Mr. Rao in the old age.

Therefore, in a marriage, as long as you marry the right person, you will be happy at any time.

She is looking forward to those days of retirement.

"I think country A is pretty good, but we are used to being in Hua country. When we get old, we may think Hua country is more suitable for us. After all, there is a saying called Falling leaves return to their roots."

Rao Shichen thought for a while, "Then, Country A and Country Hua, we will live together on both sides from now on."

Thinking of living on both sides when he gets old, Lou Jianian thinks this proposal is quite good.However, after thinking about it quickly, she asked again: "Actually, we are still young, and it seems a little too far away to think about retirement now."

Hearing this, Rao Shichen raised his eyebrows, and said in agreement: "It seems a little too far away, we should think more about having children now."

When the matter of having a child was mentioned, Lou Jianian was stunned for a moment, and then his ears felt hot.

A small body is hiding behind the fake rock not far away.

Fu Ke'er came to the garden after finishing dinner.

The autumn wind was very cool, blowing away all the troubles in her little head.

Ever since she saw the picture of her cousin flying into the sky in the garden in the morning, she still can't calm down in her heart.

Now she is very annoying, and she doesn't know what to do to be able to express her love to her cousin.

Because of this, she deliberately folded a heart with her own hands. She wanted to give it to her cousin and express her admiration by the way, but she just couldn't find a good time.

Just when she was feeling bad, she suddenly heard a familiar voice from not far away.

Huh?Why does Mao sound a bit like a cousin?
The little girl turned around and took a peek under the cover of the fake stone, only then did she realize that the cousin she admired had also come to the garden.


At this moment, her heart is excited.

However, when she found out that her cousin-in-law was not alone in the garden, her little face instantly became unhappy.

Why is cousin Mao here?

Wouldn't this affect her giving her love to her cousin?
Not far away, Lou Jianian actually had some thoughts in his heart about Rao Shichen's proposal of having a child.

She knows medicine, and if she really wants to conceive as soon as possible, she only needs to take some medicine to regulate her body. However, she thinks that giving birth should go with the flow, and there should be no other complications.

But, she thought so in her heart, and she couldn't be sure what the man thought, so she asked, "Are you in a hurry?"

Rao Shichen's body paused, his eyebrows and eyes added a little tenderness, "I want to have a daughter, preferably like you."

Lou Jianian: "."

"Missing your childhood, I think, maybe having a daughter who looks like you will be like watching you grow up."

The autumn wind was floating, and the man's words seemed to pass through Lou Jianian's heart like a warm current.

She felt that maybe it was time for her to be a mother.

After tonight, she decided to recuperate her body. As for work, she is in good health anyway. If she is really pregnant, she can continue to work.

(End of this chapter)

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