Chapter 1911 This is hard to say!

Seeing that the little girl's eyes were full of longing, in the end, she still had no way to refuse, anyway, the little girl already knew her secret, so what's the use of hiding it?

So, she directly showed the little girl the so-called Feitian in the TV series again.

The little girl was dumbfounded!

Throughout the night, the little girl was too excited to fall asleep.

She finally saw her cousin-in-law flying up in front of her again!

Ahhhhh!At such a young age, she swears that the only idol in her life is her cousin!
When Lou Jianian returned to the room, she found that the man was already sitting in front of the sofa waiting for her.

Under the projection of the light, the man was dressed neatly, obviously the same clothes he had brought back from get off work.

The man crossed his legs and sat on the sofa gracefully. One slender hand rested on his knee, and the other hand rested casually on the armrest of the sofa.

Lou Jianian walked in, closed the door and asked, "Why haven't you rested yet?"

"What do you think?" The man's eyebrows were raised slightly, and his faint voice was full of resentment.

In fact, Lou Jianian didn't know why this man didn't rest at this point, he was just waiting for her.

To be honest, the little girl pestered her to ask her to help with tutoring. As an elder, she couldn't refuse the little girl.

It's just that she didn't expect that it would be so late for just a cram school, and now
She looked at the clock on the wall, only to realize that it was already 11 o'clock.

It turned out that she had been studying with the little girl so late.

If she hadn't coaxed the little girl to sleep just now, I'm afraid the little girl would continue to pester her.

Oh, I almost forgot, after finishing her tutoring, she was pestered by the little girl to show her once.

Thinking that she gave up the whole night to the little girl, but left a certain man in the cold, she suddenly felt a little bit wrong.

So, she stepped up to the bar, took a bottle of wine and two glasses, then opened the corks, filled the two glasses with wine, and then walked to the man beside the glasses.

She sat directly on the sofa, handed one of the glasses of red wine to the man, and said, "My husband, I'm sorry."

The man raised his eyebrows slightly, took the wine glass with his slender hand, and gently shook the liquid in the glass, "Ke'er's attitude towards you has changed 360 degrees, don't you really have anything to say?"

Hearing this, Lou Jianian almost choked on the red wine he had just taken a sip of.Fortunately, she stabilized herself in a daze, gulped down the liquor, and said, "What do you think?"

The man snorted softly and took a sip of his wine.

So Lou Jianian knew that there seemed to be nothing to hide, so he simply said, "Ke'er knows I can fly."

The man frowned instantly.

"But it's okay, she probably won't talk nonsense." Lou Jia realized later that the little girl didn't seem to reveal her secret to others after seeing her flying into the sky last time.

The man obviously didn't believe it, "Are you sure she can hold on?"

"This..." Lou Jianian was really not sure.

"I think it's not suitable for us to stay for too long. It's better to go back to the hotel first, and then return to China after the work here is done."

"Back to the hotel?"

"Ke'er is pestering you for tuition now, and she will be even more unscrupulous in the future. You are my wife, not her tutor, although tutoring is just an excuse for her to pester you, and if she pesters you, you Can you still work hard and return to China in front of her?"

Lou Jianian thought about it, and suddenly felt that what he said seemed to make sense.

What if the little girl is always pestering her, which will affect her work? Also, when the time comes, she will go back to China, can the little girl stop crying?It's hard to say!
(End of this chapter)

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