The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 1918 The country has been decided

Chapter 1918 Decided to return to China


After Lou Jianian finished her work, she received a call from Rao Shichen.

It turned out that the man was already waiting for her downstairs, so she hurriedly packed up her things, and then brought back the few documents that hadn't been processed yet.

Soon, she took the elevator downstairs, got into the man's car, and then went directly to the restaurant with the man for dinner.

After coming to country A, the two often went back to the presidential palace for dinner after work.This time, it can be regarded as one of the few candlelight dinners that the two have come to country A for so long.

On the stage, bright lights hit the pianist and the black piano.The beautiful sound of the piano flows out in the pianist's playing.

The whole restaurant is covered, with flowers by candlelight and steaks with red wine.

Lou Jianian looked at everything the man had prepared for him, and felt sweet in his heart.

Tonight is destined to be a romantic night.

After tasting a few sips of red wine, when they left the restaurant, the two had no choice but to ask Xu Chi to come and drive.

When they got back to the hotel, maybe it was because of the alcohol, or after a busy day, the tired body and mind suddenly wanted to release the pressure, so the two couldn't help but kissed.

Outside the floor-to-ceiling windows, the stars are shining brightly.

When sleeping until midnight, Lou Jianian vaguely remembered that he forgot to take a small pill today.So, she opened her eyes with difficulty, quietly reached out and opened the side drawer, then took out the small pills, took out one and threw it into her mouth.

Fortunately, on weekdays, she likes to keep a bottle of water on the bedside table, so she takes a few sips of water and swallows the small pills together.

When she finished swallowing and closed the drawer, she didn't expect the man who was sleeping deeply next to her to wake up, and looked at her silently with open eyes.

At that moment, she was a little confused!

But fortunately, she reacted quickly and explained: "I forgot to take vitamins today."

"Vitamins?" Rao Shichen frowned, obviously a little confused, "Why do you eat these all of a sudden?"

Lou Jianian licked her lips and said, "I'm too busy at work, you know, I have studied medicine and know how to take care of my body, don't you always hope that I can be healthy?"

These words have worked.

Rao Shichen stretched his wrinkled eyebrows, then nodded in satisfaction, "Well, you did a good job."

"It's getting late, go to sleep."

The two hugged each other and slept until the next day.

In order to be able to return to China as soon as possible, Rao Shichen and Lou Jianian worked intensively during the rest of the time, even weekends, except for getting off work and eating together at night.

After being so busy for nearly half a month, finally, all Lou's work in Country A has been properly arranged.

It has to be said that Lou Jianian's ability is absolutely beyond doubt.

The executives of the branch office were filled with admiration for Lou Jianian's strength.

After all the work was successfully completed, Lou Jianian decided to return to China.

As for Rao Shichen, of course he was no exception.

The two of them booked their plane tickets, and before returning home, they did not forget to report in the presidential palace every day, spending at least two or three days with Fu Siruo.

For the fact that the two young people were going back to China, Fu Siruo was naturally somewhat reluctant.When the elderly are old, they like to be lively.

But fortunately, Fu Siruo is a very enlightened person.The old people also know that young people have young people's affairs to be busy.

Just like that, Rao Shichen and Lou Jianian returned to China two days later.

However, on the day of returning home, Fu Ke'er cried very sadly, holding Lou Jianian very reluctantly.

This operation stunned the elders.

(End of this chapter)

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