Chapter 1921 Found Fairy Zixia!
film and television city.

Shen Qinghuan was sitting on a chair, rubbing his head and worrying.

So far, he hasn't found anyone suitable to play Zixia Fairy. Although he already has candidates, he is still not satisfied.

Fairy Zixia is a fairy-like existence in the play, and it can be regarded as a highlight of the whole play. He hopes to find the most suitable person. However, after searching for a long time, he still can't find one that satisfies him.

Just in the morning, Rao Shixin called him and said that he had noticed someone who was especially suitable for the role of Fairy Zixia, and said that this person would come to the crew to look for him in the afternoon.

Although he said so on the phone, Shen Qinghuan didn't feel at ease until he saw the real person.

Anyway, in the end it really didn't work, so we had to let the candidates go.

Too worried.

Shen Qinghuan saw that the sunshine outside was not bad, so he simply got up, planning to take a walk around, so as to relieve his irritability.

In the autumn afternoon, the sun is not so strong.

A black Mercedes drove into the door of the crew, and as the door opened, a girl in a professional suit got out of the car.

Under the sun, the girl had a fair complexion, a pretty face, and a slender figure. Her long black hair was tied up, revealing her full forehead, and her dark and moist eyes were like jewels, extremely beautiful.

With his hands behind his back, Shen Qinghuan just stepped out of the threshold of the crew, looked up, and just saw the girl getting out of the car.

Suddenly, he froze for a moment.

From this angle, the girl stands in the light, her posture is graceful, her face is really good-looking, and her body proportion is also very good.In particular, when a gust of wind blows, a few strands of hair from the girl's sideburns fly away, and when she raises her plain white hand to draw her hair back, she looks very much like a fairy coming out of a painting.

This scene is just like the fairy Zixia written in the play "Zhaoyang Tianxia"!

Shen Qinghuan's eyes lit up.

found it!
He could be considered to have found Fairy Zixia!
Can't wait, he hastened to step up, greeted warmly, and asked: "Miss, which crew are you from?"

Lou Jianian had just gotten out of the car, and was thinking about where to find the location of the crew that Rao Shixin had given on the phone, but suddenly someone came up to talk to her.

Anyway, she happened to need to ask for directions, so she said, "Hi, I'm here to find someone."

"Oh, looking for someone? Then who do you want to look for?" Shen Qinghuan took a close look at Lou Jianian's face carefully.

It's so beautiful!
Just this face mirror, it is a beauty without dead ends!
Lou Jianian raised her eyebrows, and replied politely: "I want to find the director of the crew of "Zhaoyang Tianxia"."

"It turned out to be me!" Shen Qinghuan was a little surprised!

"Are you Director Shen?"

"Hahaha, that's exactly me. Wait, aren't you the young lady that Shi Xin recommended to me?"

Lou Jianian thought it was a coincidence, so he smiled, "It's me."

"Emma, ​​what the hell!" Shen Qinghuan was so happy that he jumped around twice, "It's really great!"

Before, he was worried about who to play Fairy Zixia, but he didn't expect that the most suitable candidate would come!

Lou Jianian: "."

Because Lou Jianian came to the film crew for the first time, Shen Qinghuan entertained Lou Jianian very warmly.

Moreover, he also took the opportunity to brainwash Lou Jianian, counting the benefits of acting.

(End of this chapter)

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