The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 1927 The taste is not the same as it was then

Chapter 1927 The taste is not the same as before

Recalling those days back then, Nalan Jun was inexplicably touched.

At that time, she was only 19 years old. In the best years of her life, she gave herself to Leng Qirui.

She has always been a good girl to her parents at home, but in order to be able to be with Leng Qirui, she resolutely did something that made her parents angry, that is, cohabitation without marriage.

At first, she didn't tell her family, but she had to admit it when her parents found out by accident.

Of course, after her parents found out, they were extremely angry. They didn't agree to her love affair until they knew that the man she was living with was the successor of the Leng Group.

She didn't expect that after her parents found out about the love affair, she would be blessed unexpectedly.

After thinking about it, it's probably because the man Leng Qirui has such a good background.

That's right, she was the eldest lady of the Min Group back then. She knew from a young age that she was fettered by her life experience and background, and most of the time she couldn't help herself. However, she was very lucky. It went smoothly without any ups and downs, except for what happened after giving birth to a son
If there hadn't been so many accidents in the future, perhaps she and her son would not be unable to recognize each other now. Of course, the marriage between her and Leng Qirui has naturally continued until now.

But, how can there be so many ifs in life?

Just when she was immersed in some memories of that year, she suddenly heard the sound of tableware from the restaurant.Soon, she came back to her senses and looked up, only to realize that the man was already eating.

The sunlight outside the window casts on the marble, making the whole restaurant look brighter.

At the main seat in the restaurant, Leng Qirui ate slowly and gracefully, as for his expression, he was the same as usual.

Nalan Jun observed secretly, and some hopes that had been kindled in his heart were slowly extinguished.

Why didn't he respond at all?

Could it be that he has forgotten the breakfast she made for the first time back then?
Just when she was wondering, the man's mobile phone on the dining table suddenly buzzed.

Soon, the man put down the tableware, picked up the phone and pressed the answer button to answer.

I don't know who made the call, and I couldn't hear what the person over there said, but it's not hard to hear from the man's business-like words that it should be from the company.

After the man answered the phone, he got up and left.

Seeing that the main seat at the table was empty immediately, but the breakfast on the table was obviously not moved much, Nalan Jun's shoulders slumped, and he felt an inexplicable sense of loss.

After Leng Qirui left the restaurant, he immediately got into the car.

On the way to the company, all the familiar but unfamiliar breakfasts on the dining table flashed before his eyes.

Familiar food, but the taste is different from back then.

Thinking about that year, his palm resting on the armrest slowly tightened, as if he wanted to grasp something.

The car drove all the way to the entrance of the company, the driver stopped the car, only to find that the man in the back seat had never left.

The driver thought for a while, and could only remind: "Mr. Leng, we're here."

In the back seat of the car, Leng Qirui raised his eyebrows slightly, and glanced out of the car window, only to find that he had arrived at the company.

So, he coldly opened the door and got out of the car.

The driver was a little puzzled: What happened to Mr. Leng today?As if something is on your mind?

At the same time, Nalan decided to continue to work hard at night after a short period of depression.

In order to meet her son, she can!

(End of this chapter)

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