The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 1941 The situation is getting better

Chapter 1941 The situation is getting better

Leng Qirui silently looked at the big and the small, with complicated expressions.

After a while, he stepped up and left the room temporarily, leaving space for the mother and son.

Nalanjun patted the little guy, and asked distressedly: "Mumu, do you feel any discomfort? If so, you must tell Junjun, you know?"

On the big bed, Leng Zimu's eyes finally brightened.The little guy was obviously very happy to see the person he missed day and night, but his complexion still didn't look good because of his illness and fever.

"What's the matter?" Seeing that he didn't speak, Nalan Jun was a little worried, so he raised his hand and touched his forehead, only to find that it was still a little hot, and then he said, "Why don't you ask the doctor to come and take a look?"

While speaking, she raised her eyes and looked to the side, only to realize that the man had left the room at some point.

Thinking that the little guy continued to have a fever, she was anxious and planned to run out to find a doctor by herself, but just as she was about to leave, the little guy hugged her hand.

I saw the little guy holding her hand with all his might, and said, "Don't...don't"

Nalan Jun didn't dare to leave easily, and quickly comforted him: "Okay, no, Jun Jun won't go to the doctor anymore, Jun Jun will stay here with you, okay?"

The little guy nodded.

So, Nalan Jun waited by the bed, looked at the little guy's drip, and poured some warm water for the little guy to drink from time to time.

Maybe because of her presence, the little guy kept his eyes open and never slept again.

After hanging up a bottle of medicine, finally, Leng Qirui came with the doctor.

After the doctor checked Leng Zimu, he found that his condition had improved.

After hearing this, Nalan Jun breathed a sigh of relief.

Then, considering Leng Zimu's situation, the doctor specially instructed some precautions, and Nalan Jun took them all down in his heart.

On the big bed, Leng Zimu was holding Nalan Jun's little hand all the time.

Wait until the doctor has finished what he should do and say, and then leave.However, Leng Qirui came out of the room and called the doctor to stop him.

It was definitely not accidental that Leng Zimu was able to wake up. Leng Qirui believed that there must be a reason for this, so he called the doctor to stop him to find out.

The doctor was very honest, without any concealment, and said: "Mr. Leng, I think the young master has suffered too much in his heart. He is only four years old, and the young master is obviously not happy. A child who has been lonely and autistic for a long time, it is easy What caused this situation, the biggest reason why the young master fell ill this time was because of his heart disease, and also, when the young master had a fever before, when I examined him, I could always hear him calling "Mom."

Speaking of this, he paused, observed Leng Qirui's expression secretly, and found that there was not much displeasure, so he continued: "The young master is thinking about his mother in his heart. Besides, the young master also often Calling the name Junjun, I thought, the girl inside just now must be the Junjun the young master was calling, and that girl played the biggest role in the young master's ability to wake up."

Leng Qirui listened silently, the palm hanging by his side tightened and loosened again.After a long while, he opened his thin lips slightly and said, "Understood, let's go."

So the doctor left respectfully.

This time, after Leng Zimu fell into a coma, his body needed to recuperate.

Leng Qirui temporarily put down his domestic work and asked Nalan Jun to stay in the castle to take care of the children.

After the child fell ill this time, he has also made a deep introspection.

(End of this chapter)

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