Chapter 1944
Nalan Jun led Leng Zimu to the kitchen, and arranged for Leng Zimu to sit at the dining table and wait.

The refrigerator is about the size of a whole wall, and there are all kinds of ingredients in it.

Nalan took out all the ingredients of the medicine-made dumplings and began to wash them, then took out the sticky kitchen knife, chopped the ingredients, and put them into the meat grinder.

Soon, the filling for the dumplings was ready. Next, she took out the flour, took an appropriate amount of water, and started kneading the dough.

After everything was ready, she brought everything to the dining table and made dumplings with the little one.

It was exactly 12 o'clock at noon. She kneaded the dough into strips, cut them into small pieces, rolled them into dumpling wrappers, and then taught the little ones how to make dumplings.

The little guy is still relatively weak. After all, he is still sick, but the little guy has been staying in the room before, and finally came downstairs. This is also a breakthrough for the little guy.

The reason why Nalan Jun knew this was all from the mouth of the servant.

Dumplings are not difficult to make. The little guy is very smart, and he can do it as soon as he is taught.

Soon, the dumplings were almost finished, so she took some to cook in the kitchen. The little guy was already hungry, so she didn't waste any time, the dumplings were cooked, and she brought them to the little guy right away.

Looking at the delicious dumplings, the little guy had a big appetite and ate several in one go.

Seeing that the little guy was satisfied with the food, Nalan Jun smiled and frowned.

At the entrance of the restaurant, Leng Qirui was about to walk in after a long distance, when he looked up and saw Nalan Jun standing by the glass window with a bright smile on his face.

Seeing this scene, he paused, and his footsteps suddenly stopped.

Under the light, the girl's white and beautiful face is full of smiles, delicate features, slender body, and blue temperament, making people unable to take their eyes off when they look at it.

For a moment, what flashed before his eyes was the girl sitting in the seat under the speech and listening to him carefully when he was in school.

Back then, all the girls' eyes were filled with admiration for him.

Everything seems like a world away.

Just as he was in a daze, suddenly, a childish and cold voice came from the restaurant: "Smelly Baba, why is it you again?"

Leng Zimu, who was eating dumplings, just raised his eyes and saw an extra figure at the entrance.

It's okay to be disturbed by the smelly cake in the room just now, but now the smelly cake appeared again after lunch.Really annoying!

In the restaurant, Nalan Jun heard Leng Zimu's words, and then looked around, only to find that Leng Qirui had also come down.

Soon, she realized that it was already lunch time, and the man appeared at this time, probably because he was hungry and wanted to eat.

At the entrance, Leng Qirui was questioned by Leng Zimu, and then his face became serious: "This is my castle."

While speaking, he strode forward with long legs, walked to the dining table, pulled out the chair and sat down.

There were freshly cooked dumplings on the dining table, and he was not polite, just took the chopsticks, and ate the dumplings.

Leng Zimu saw that the dumplings he made were eaten by his father, and his face suddenly became angry: "How can you eat my dumplings?"

However, Leng Qirui responded coldly: "Your name is written on the dumpling?"

Leng Zimu: "Junjun knows that I made these dumplings."

Leng Qirui glanced at Nalan Jun.

At this time, in order to be able to stay in the castle, Nalan Jun comforted Leng Zimu and said, "It's okay, there are many more here."

Leng Zimu: "But, he eats the stinky Baba without asking, and he just eats the dumplings I worked so hard to make."

(End of this chapter)

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