The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 1948 All of these have to come slowly

Chapter 1948 All this has to come slowly

On the second day, Nalan prepared a table of exquisite breakfast with great care.

Perhaps it was because Nalan Jun was in a good mood when he learned that he would be returning home soon.

Leng Qirui had just finished his morning exercise, took a shower, changed his clothes and went downstairs to the restaurant. When he looked up, he saw Nalan Jun and Leng Zimu happily getting along at the dining table.

The morning light came in through the glass window and fell on Leng Zimu's chubby face, which looked a little cute.

Compared with the previous few days, Leng Zimu's energy and blood are much better today, and there is even a smile on his face from time to time.

Such a picture always makes people feel very seductive.

Leng Qirui's brows became more gentle, and he walked to the dining table and took a seat.As for Nalan Jun, he also prepared a breakfast for him, and he has also become a habit from the initial accident.

After he was seated, he picked up warm boiled water and drank half a glass in one go before he began to eat.

On the opposite side of the dining table, Leng Zimu was happily eating breakfast and chatting with Nalan Jun.However, when Leng Qirui appeared, his little face instantly changed from what it was just now.

Of course, because Nalan Jun had already talked to him before, even though he had objections to Leng Qirui, he still held back, at least he didn't show too much dissatisfaction.

The father and son had their own breakfast.

After breakfast, Nalan took Leng Zimu for a walk in the garden, basking in the sun, and then went back to the living room to play games for a while.

The game was almost finished, and then I went back to the room to read children's books.

After reading the children's book, it's lunch time.

Nalan Jun started to prepare lunch.

In the study, Leng Qirui worked all morning.

Since coming to country S, he did not leave rashly.

He handed over all the affairs of the company to Cai Xi to manage, as for the others, he could only wait for him to return to China.

He has been working for almost several hours and he is also feeling hungry.

So, he put down the half-processed documents, got up and left the study.

He just went downstairs when he heard movement from the kitchen. He walked to the entrance and saw a girl with her long hair rolled up and an apron on at the Liuli Terrace, and she was processing the ingredients with a serious face.

Maybe the girl was too focused, he didn't bother, but stood where he was, watching with deep eyes.

The huge kitchen, the cold decoration design, but because of the figure of the girl, it has a touch of softness.

In winter, the temperature is relatively low, and the sun shines into the kitchen. Even though it can't make people feel warm, the beating sound of Leng Qirui's chest is extremely strong, and the blood in his whole body seems to be boiling.

The time has passed 112 o'clock.

Nalan Jun spent the whole morning with Leng Zimu and didn't pay attention to the clock, so that he almost missed the lunch hour.

Knowing that Leng Zimu was hungry, she hurriedly prepared lunch.

Leng Zimu studies the robot in the room.

Since having Nalan Jun's company and care, Leng Zimu's body has gradually improved significantly, and he smiles more, and now he even has the mind to study robots.

For this, Nalan Jun was naturally very pleased.

What she is most worried about is that Leng Zimu is too closed to himself. After all, he is only four years old, and childhood can affect his whole life.

As a mother, she certainly hoped that Leng Zimu could let go of herself slowly, and it would be best to integrate into the kindergarten and play with children of the same age.

However, she also knows that all this has to be done slowly.

Maybe it was because she was worried about the little guy that her mind was distracted for a moment, the knife in her hand was not steady, and she accidentally cut the skin on her finger.

"Hiss..." She reacted, only to realize that there was already a bead of blood on her finger.

But at this moment, a long and slender figure suddenly rushed over, and her wrist was grabbed by a slender palm following her.

The man clasped her wrist, looked at the blood beads on her fingers, frowned and said, "Why are you so careless!"

(End of this chapter)

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