The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 1957 He is very aware of his behavior

Chapter 1957 He is very aware of his behavior
There were no bodyguards or servants in the whole hall, and Nalan Jun felt that he was a little dangerous.

Leng Qirui clasped her wrist with a tight force, making it impossible for her to break free.

She doesn't understand man why?
However, just when she was feeling puzzled, the man suddenly spoke, his voice was low and hoarse: "Nalan Jun."

When he heard the man calling him by name and surname, Nalan Jun subconsciously paused, and his heart beat faster.

I can't remember how long it has been since a man called her by her first and last name, which made her feel a strange sense of familiarity.

She looked up, only to find that the man's amber eyes had a certain dark light and depth that she was familiar with, so her brain nerves instantly collapsed, and her lips twitched a few times, but she found something I can't even say it.

At this moment, the man's deep voice sounded again, asking: "Do you know how to make Mu Mu grow up in an environment of love?"

Nalan Jun froze for a moment, then shook his head, expressing that he didn't know.

In the end, the man said: "As long as we get back together, Mu Mu can act like a normal child."


Nalan Jun thought he heard it wrong.Soon, she smelled the faint smell of alcohol emanating from the man, and then realized that the man had drunk tonight.

It's no wonder that from just now until now, she has found that men's emotions are always unpredictable to her.

Since she had been drinking, she could somewhat understand what the man said without thinking about it.

She wouldn't take what a man said when he was drunk seriously.

So, she stabilized her emotions and said, "Leng Qirui, you are a little drunk, do you know that?"

Leng Qirui narrowed his eyes and raised his eyebrows: "Do you think I'm drunk?"

"Since you've been drinking, I think it's better for you to go to bed earlier tonight." Nalan Jun very kindly suggested: "By the way, do you want me to make you a bowl of hangover soup?"

"If I was drunk, how could I still spend time here listening to you so much?" Leng Qirui seemed to have been punched hard in the chest.What Nalan Jun said just now was simply challenging his bottom line.

How could he not know his drinking capacity?
But if he was really drunk, he wouldn't sit here sensibly and listen patiently to her so many words.Now, however, he was mistaken for drunk.

Nalan Jun frowned, suddenly he couldn't understand.

"Anyway, you think I'm drunk, so I'll show you drunk." Leng Qirui was depressed, his reason had already collapsed.

From just now until now, Nalan Jun's every move has teased him everywhere. Originally, he could hold back, but Nalan Jun insisted on challenging him.

He hadn't had much to drink tonight, so he was well aware of what he was doing.

Nalan Jun's eyes flickered slightly, and he had a bad feeling for a while, "You huh."

Before she could say a word, her lips were already sealed by the man, ruthlessly.

It wasn't until this moment that she finally panicked.So, she started to struggle, but found that her strength was no match for the man.

Outside the floor-to-ceiling windows, a silver moon hangs high in the sky, and in the castle hall, the girl's body is pushed against the bar counter.
In the children's room, Leng Zimu slept soundly, and only when he turned over did he open his eyes in a daze.

When he touched the side of the big bed with his little hand, but found no one, he woke up instantly.

The next second, he sat up, raised his hand and rubbed his eyes. Looking through the dim light on the bedside table, he found that there was no one else in the children's room except himself. Immediately, his face was wrinkled and filled with dissatisfaction. Happy.

(End of this chapter)

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