The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 1962 Nalan Jun's eyes are hot

Nalan Jun felt that a strange feeling was poured into his heart.When the little guy mentioned the word mother, her emotions began to become a little complicated.

"Mumu, do you really want me to be your mother?"

The little guy nodded and answered very positively: "I think so."

Nalan Jun's eyes became hot, and he almost cried.She hugged the little guy tightly in her arms and said, "Mumu, I can't be with your father, but one day, you will know, I"

Speaking of this, she suddenly stopped and did not continue.

The little guy didn't understand, so he asked eagerly, "Why can't you be with my daddy?"

"Mu Mu, I can't tell you why now, but please believe me, I want to be your mother more than anyone else." Nalan Jun kissed the little guy on the face, and at the same time held back the complicated emotions in his heart .

The little guy still couldn't understand Nalan Jun's words.

However, because of this kiss from Nalan Jun, the little guy's emotions were also appeased.

Next, Nalan Jun coaxed the little guy to fall asleep together.

Meanwhile, in the hall.

At the bar, Leng Qirui was holding a bottle of wine in his hand.This was just taken out of the wine cabinet.

I saw him drinking wine with his head up, surrounded by air-conditioning.

Tonight, Nalan Jun's words lingered in his ears, his face was very ugly.

He had already drank a lot of wine, but his mind became more and more clear, especially every word that Nalan Jun said seemed to be stabbed in his chest several times like needles.


His hand holding the wine bottle became tighter and tighter, and even the veins on the back of his hand faintly popped out.

At this moment, the buzzing sound broke all the atmosphere.

Not far from the bar, a cheap mobile phone screen was on and vibrating.It was Nalan Jun who fell down just now.

Leng Qirui raised his eyebrows slightly, glanced at the phone, then reached out and picked it up.

On the screen of the mobile phone, a WeChat message was displayed, which was sent by Uncle Zhang.

Seeing this, Leng Qirui hesitated for a moment, then swiped open the screen, but it showed that a password was required.

Soon, he tried to enter some words, and then the screen turned on.

After so many years, Nalan Jun's mobile phone setting password is always his birthday.

Leng Qirui didn't waste much time, and directly clicked on Nalan Jun's WeChat.

He didn't immediately check the message that Uncle Zhang sent him, but searched carefully from the WeChat address book.

The coldness on his face finally disappeared when he found that there were no men inside at all.

Immediately afterwards, he clicked on the WeChat message sent to her by Uncle Zhang.

Zhang Bo: Junjun, how did you get along with your husband at the castle?
Seeing the news, he narrowed his eyes slightly, and then dialed directly.

Uncle Zhang, who was guarding the entire villa in China and was extremely bored, never expected to receive a sudden call.

Without daring to waste time, Uncle Zhang hurriedly pressed the answer button: "Junjun? You finally called me, you."

Unexpectedly, just halfway through the sentence, a deep and familiar voice suddenly came from the phone: "It's me."

"Mr. Xian?" Uncle Zhang was taken aback.

Leng Qirui hummed coldly, and then asked, "You and her often communicate on WeChat?"

"Mister, I..." Zhang Bo was a little flustered.

"What did you teach her at home before?"

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