The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 1967 Is he instigating her?

That's right, the girl who walked out of the airport was none other than Zhong Ruohan.

After struggling in the country for a few days, she still couldn't help but came to country S to look for Leng Qirui.Although, she is in the name of work.

Outside, there was already a car waiting. When she walked out of the airport, she got into the car and left.

Before coming to country S, she had already booked a hotel.This time, she knew she was going to stay at least a few days.

Leng Qirui has not been in the country all this time, which has to make her suspicious, what makes her even more worried is that Leng Zimu is not there, forget it, even Nalan Jun, the servant of Leng's family, has disappeared.

All of this always made her feel uneasy, she felt that if she didn't act again, she was afraid that she would lose Leng Qirui forever.

Although she knew that she was excellent, Nalan Jun's face was jet-lagged in her mind. Even if she didn't want to admit it, Nalan Jun's temperament and the aura he brought made her feel very unusual.

It seems that Nalan Jun should not be a servant at all, but if he is not a servant, what should he be?
In her cognition, servants should be humble and inferior, but Nalan Jun is not like that.

Nalan Jun is like an orchid in the valley, just standing there can make people feel extraordinary, very strange!
No one is born with noble temperament, unless.
Sitting in the car, many thoughts flashed through Zhong Ruohan's mind.

Meanwhile, inside the castle.

When Leng Qirui appeared in the restaurant, the harmonious scene between Nalan Jun and Leng Zimu was instantly broken.

Perhaps because he realized that the atmosphere was not right, Leng Qirui frowned slightly and his face was a little ugly.

Nalan Jun looked indifferent, completely ignoring Leng Qirui.She was very serious about spreading jam on the little one's bread.

Soon, realizing that he was being ignored by a certain woman, Leng Qirui frowned even deeper.

Fortunately, Uncle Zhang's words last night were still ringing in his ears, so he walked up to the dining table and sat down. After scanning around, his eyes fell on a certain woman.

Today's Nalan is wearing simple sportswear, with his hair tied up, no makeup on his face, pure makeup, but his skin is white and radiant, and rosy.

There was some light in Leng Qirui's eyes, followed by tapping the table with his fingers, and said: "You, go and pour me a glass of milk."

Nalan Jun, who was spreading jam, froze for a moment, and finally turned his gaze to the man.He is ordering her?

"What? Didn't you understand?" Leng Qirui's voice was deep and deep, but it had the aura that a superior person should have.

Nalan Jun felt a little puzzled.This man did something shameful to her last night, and today he has the nerve to order her to pour him a glass of milk?

After thinking about it, she was a servant, and she had no position to refuse, so she handed the bread with jam to the little guy, then turned and went to the kitchen to pour a glass of milk.

Soon after the milk was poured, she walked out of the kitchen and followed to the dining table. Just as she was about to put down the milk, a palm suddenly grabbed her hand. The warm touch made her froze for a moment.

Different from her reaction, the man was serious, holding her hand in his palm, and then touched the milk with the other hand, before he said: "I want to drink hot milk, this is cold."

Nalanjun: "."

Leng Qirui: "I almost forgot, I drank wine last night, my stomach felt unwell, and I stopped drinking milk."

Nalan Jun, whose hand had been held all the time, couldn't bear it any longer: "Can you let go of your hand before talking?"

As her words fell, the man let go, but said again: "Pour me a glass of water."

Nalan Jun: "?!!"

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