For a moment, Nalan Jun felt that this man was just playing with her.

So, she took a deep breath before asking: "Then, I would like to ask, what is the meaning of what you just said?"

Leng Qirui's eyes were deep, his thin lips parted slightly: "Don't you understand?"

"?" Nalan Jun felt that the man was very strange today, so he kept saying things that she didn't understand.

Just when she was thinking this way in her mind, she didn't expect the man to speak again: "If you don't understand, then you can hear clearly now, Nalan Jun. From now on, as long as it is your breakfast, no matter what it is, it will be fine for me." You can say anything."

Nalanjun: "."

She was stunned for a moment, but she didn't expect the man to let her go suddenly, then she drank the water glass in one gulp, and then began to enjoy breakfast.

During the whole process, the man didn't say anything, just ate elegantly, got up and left after finishing.

At the dining table, Leng Zimu rolled his eyes, and some small thoughts sprouted in his little head.

In his opinion, although Smelly Baba's behavior today may look disgusting, if Smelly Baba can catch Junjun, then he can call Junjun a numb in the future.

Thinking about it, his whole little heart was pounding.

A car stopped in front of the hotel.

Zhong Ruohan opened the door and got out of the car, and went directly to the presidential suite of the hotel with his luggage.This is by appointment.

After several hours of flying, she was really tired, but now she was asked to lie down and rest, but she didn't feel sleepy at all.

After entering the hotel room, she dropped her luggage, took out her mobile phone, and opened WeChat.

In WeChat, she learned that Leng Qirui lived in a castle more than ten kilometers away, and the bodyguard had sent her the specific address.

At this time, it seemed inappropriate for her to drive rashly. After thinking about it, she put down her phone and opened the suitcase, which was full of clothes and a set of cosmetics.

Since Leng Qirui was going to come, she was naturally prepared.

After searching in the suitcase, she finally found the clothes to wear tonight.

Putting the clothes on the sofa beside her, she immediately took out the cosmetics.

After preparing these in advance, she took a simple change of clothes into the bathroom and started to take a bath.

Meanwhile, the castle.

After Leng Qirui finished his breakfast, he got into the car prepared by the driver, and then went to inspect the site.

In the new cooperation that has been discussed recently, he intends to discuss everything that needs to be discussed clearly while he is in S's country.

Of course, apart from work and private life, he has just made a decision, that is, he intends to get back together with Nalan Jun before returning to China.

Sitting in the car, his eyes became a little darker.

However, at this moment, the phone suddenly buzzed, and he took it out to check, only to find that a friend had been added in WeChat.

Seeing the man's name, he frowned slightly.

After a while, he still clicked through.

However, after passing, the other party immediately sent him a wechat message.

Leng Zimu: Are you sure you can really make Junjun my mother?
The little guy who was finishing his breakfast in the castle was studying WeChat with his mobile phone in his hands.

This is the WeChat account he just applied for, and only one person was added, Smelly Baba.

In order to find out whether there is a way for Smelly Papa to catch Junjun, he couldn't wait to set up a WeChat to add Smelly Papa, so that it would be easier to understand the situation.

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