The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 1978 The little guy has a sense of happiness in his heart

Chapter 1978 The little guy has a sense of happiness in his heart

Nalan Jun's complicated mood immediately changed to joy after seeing Leng Zimu.

She walked up to the little guy and asked, "Why did you come to the room?"

Leng Zimu raised his head and said, "I'm looking at the stars."

See the stars?
Nalan Jun glanced out the window, only to realize that the night was already dark, and all the stars appeared.

So, she pulled a chair over and hugged the little guy, "Let's watch the stars together."

Leng Zimu was a little happy, and snuggled into Nalan Jun's arms obediently, nodded and said, "Yeah."

In this way, the two admired the night sky.

For a while, Nalan Jun was distracted, all he could think of was what Leng Qirui said in the kitchen just now.

Thinking that he has nothing to do with Zhong Ruohan, she still finds it a little inconceivable.

"Junjun??" At this moment, the little guy in his arms suddenly tugged at her sleeve, and asked her, "What are you thinking?"

Nalan Jun came to his senses, shook his head and said, "It's nothing."

The little guy obviously didn't believe it: "Junjun, do you have something on your mind?"

Hearing this, Nalan raised his eyebrows, "No."

"But, I think you have. You see your thoughts are written all over your face." The little guy raised his fleshy little hand and touched Nalan Jun's face.

Nalan Jun grabbed the little guy's hand and held it in his palm, and said, "As long as I see you, I will have nothing to worry about."

"Really?" The little guy blinked his big eyes.

Nalan Jun: "Of course, Mu Mu, you are Junjun's pistachio."

The little guy has a sense of happiness in his heart.He likes Junjun more and more!

In this world, the only person who is qualified to be his numb is Junjun. As for the woman who disappeared after giving birth to him, it is best not to show up again for the rest of her life.

In the kitchen, after Leng Qirui finished eating the pasta, he immediately got up and went upstairs to the study to go to work.

Today in the company, because of the wechat message Leng Zimu sent him, he fell into reflection and neglected his work.

Right now, he still has some urgent work matters to deal with.

On the other side, in the room, Nalanjun accompanied Leng Zimu to appreciate the night sky, and then took care of Leng Zimu to wash and sleep.

It was already nine o'clock in the evening, and the four-year-old Leng Zimu was used to falling asleep at this time. Of course, the premise was that he must be accompanied by Nalan Jun.

The lights were dimmed, and Nalan Jun lay beside Leng Zimu, humming a lullaby.

Leng Zimu rubbed his eyes, and gradually began to feel sleepy.After a while, his eyelids became heavy and he fell asleep.

Hearing the even breathing sound of the little man in his arms, Nalan knew that the little man was fast asleep.

She tiptoed off the quilt and left.

In fact, she didn't feel sleepy at all, not only that, but her whole mind was in a mess.

In the past few days, Leng Qirui didn't know what stimulated him, and suddenly he seemed to be a different person, pestering her, and even planned to remarry her.

What's even more weird is that Leng Qirui actually said that for her sake, he would no longer cooperate with Zhong Ruohan from now on!
What happened to him?
After thinking about it, she felt her head was going to explode, so she simply took a change of clothes, and then went to the bathroom in the next room to take a hot bath.

When her whole body was soaked in the comfortable warm water, she couldn't help but close her eyes, her whole body relaxed, and all the messy thoughts in her mind were temporarily thrown aside.

(End of this chapter)

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