Chapter 1988 Breath Blending
Nalan Jun didn't know that his calmness and self-control would arouse men's emotions.

I could only hear the man's drunken tone, saying: "What else can I do? Don't you see that I drank? Huh?"

Nalan Jun couldn't tell that the man had drunk.Imprisoned by the wall, by the time she realized it, she could already smell the alcohol from the man.

The mellow smell of wine blended with the man's unique aura, so familiar that it reminded her of the night before.

It seemed that he drank some wine that time, and then did something irrational to her.

Maybe it was because of that night that she suddenly felt uneasy.

"Do you need me to get you some hangover soup?" She knew that she was a servant, so she asked this question. Of course, the most important reason was that she hoped that the man would let her go.

Rather than being controlled by a man, she hopes that she can be allowed to cook sober soup in the kitchen.

However, her hope was in vain, and she could only hear the man put his thin lips against her ear and ask, "Do you want me to be more sober?"

Nalanjun: "."

The atmosphere became more ambiguous for a while.

A man who has been drinking is obviously irrational.

At this moment, Nalan Jun didn't dare to move, and even had to think carefully about what he said.She was very worried that what she said was wrong, and then provoked the man.

You know, a man who loses his mind can easily do things that he doesn't even know himself.

Nalan Jun was still thinking about it, but he didn't expect that the man's thin lips pressed against her ear suddenly blew towards her, and said evilly, "What are you worried about?"

Because of these actions of the man, Nalan Jun's body softened and he almost failed to stand still.Fortunately, her back was against the wall, and her waist was clasped by the palm of the man, which allowed her body to maintain balance.

She tried her best to keep her heartbeat steady, but the man seemed to be deliberately trying to stimulate her with some ambiguous behavior.

The man clasped the palm of her waist and began to caress: "Answer me."

In the middle of the night, and in such a dangerous environment, Nalan felt that it would be very difficult for him to escape tonight.

"Leng Qirui, don't you really need hangover soup? Or, I'll cook some for you? Otherwise, you will easily have a headache tomorrow." She has already planned in her mind, as long as she can escape the man's confinement first , in this way, she can be temporarily safe.

No matter how well she planned, she still couldn't make the man let go of her.

"I don't need to be sober, Nalan Jun, do you think I'm drunk?" Leng Qirui raised his brows slightly, and his amber eyes, full of desire, looked into Nalan Jun's eyes.

Nalan Jun was taken aback, his eyelashes fluttered a few times, and suddenly he had an ominous premonition in his heart.In this dimly lit and ambiguous atmosphere, she saw the burning light in the man's eyes.

Having experienced love affairs, she naturally knows what the message in the man's eyes is.

Now, she doesn't know how she can get out.

The man's palm clasping her wrist slowly kneaded, and his slender body showed signs of gradually suppressing her: "Why don't you speak?"

Nalan Jun narrowed his eyes: "Leng Qirui, can you let me go?"

(End of this chapter)

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