Chapter 1990 I'm so tired!
In the middle of the night, there was light snow outside the window.

In the master bedroom, Nalan closed his eyes, bit his lips lightly, and endured the pain weakly.
This night is destined to be long!
In the children's room, perhaps because it was too cold, and because he had played too much during the day, Leng Zimu was sleeping soundly.

If the little guy wakes up at this moment, he will find that Junjun, who usually sleeps with him, has long since disappeared.

However, everything seems to be arranged by God.

next day
When Leng Zimu woke up, he realized that there was a person missing beside the big bed.

The little guy rubbed his sleepy eyes, then lifted the quilt and got out of bed, put on slippers on his little feet, and left the children's room.

Walking down the stairs on the third floor, the little guy was looking for Nalan Jun.

Just like that, he found the downstairs kitchen, but Nalan Jun, who was already preparing breakfast at this time on weekdays, was nowhere to be seen.

For a moment, the little guy was puzzled.

After searching in and out of the entire kitchen and hall, the little guy still failed to find Nalan Jun.

So, the little guy was very anxious.

At this time, in the master bedroom, the sun shines on the floor through the window.

On the big bed, Nalan Jun slept deeply.

Everything she experienced last night made her weak and weak, and she couldn't get up at all.

So tired!
The alarm clock on her mobile phone rang, and she tried her best to open her eyes, but her eyelids were too heavy, and she fell asleep in a daze after a while.

And during this deep sleep, she could still feel that there seemed to be a warm palm passing her in front of her, and then crossed off the phone's alarm clock.

Because she was too sleepy, she couldn't tell, and finally fell into a dream.

In fact, she didn't make any mistakes in her sleep at all. When the alarm clock on her mobile phone kept ringing, someone had indeed crossed off her mobile phone alarm clock, and this person was Leng Qirui.

Beside the big bed, Leng Qirui's slender hand crossed off the alarm clock, and then put down the phone at all.

Everything that happened naturally last night turned him, who had been drinking but remained sane, into a ferocious beast!

That's right, although the wine at the dinner last night had a lot of stamina, after all, he is a man who has been traveling for a long time in business wars. How could it be possible that he didn't even have a bottle of wine?Even so, this wine has a lot of stamina.

A ray of morning light fell on the bed, and Leng Qirui's amber eyes looked at the sleeping Nalan Jun.

After last night, Nalan Jun's face was full of blush when he fell into sleep, his skin was as white as snow and smooth as milk, and it felt very good to the touch.

It was only seven o'clock in the morning. If he remembered correctly, it was about four o'clock in the middle of the night at the end of last night.

In this conversion, she only slept for about three hours.

Maybe it was to let her sleep better, but he got up, walked to the window, and closed the entire curtain.

The heavy curtains blocked all the light from outside, and the bedroom was immediately plunged into darkness.

Without morning light, people can sleep better, and this is the case for Nalan Jun at this moment.

After Leng Qirui drew the curtains, he walked to the bed and lay down again.His slender hands wrapped the woman who was sleeping soundly into his arms, followed by his thin lips and kissed the woman's hair.

The winter morning is very cold, very suitable for sleeping. This is probably the rare time Leng Qirui wants to stay in bed in recent years.

Just like that, he hugged the woman in his arms, and then closed his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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