The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 1998 There is a sense of relief

Chapter 1998 There is a sense of relief

If I remember correctly, from last night to the end, his hard work still got Nalan Jun's response.When he looked at the mirror in the bathroom, the scratches on his shoulders were extremely deep, which was enough to prove how enthusiastic Nalan Jun was.

Originally, he thought that after waking up from a sleep, the relationship between him and her would be able to start again. As a result, to his surprise, her attitude did not change at all, and she was still so indifferent.

Thinking of this, he thought it necessary to continue to have a deep chat with her tonight.

On the rattan chair in the garden, Nalan Jun was originally telling stories to the little guy, but unexpectedly, while talking, he suddenly felt a chilly wind blowing from the back of his head.

She shivered, feeling a strange premonition inexplicably.

"Junjun, why didn't you tell the story?" Leng Zimu listened to Nalanjun's good story, but when he saw that Nalanjun suddenly stopped and frowned, he couldn't help asking.

Nalan Jun came to his senses, looked at Leng Zimu in his arms, and said, "I'm just a little thirsty."

As she spoke, she reached out and picked up the water glass beside her, took a few sips of water, and then continued to tell interesting stories about her childhood.

Only this time, she was a little absent-minded.

From just now to now, she always felt as if there was a line of sight staring at her. She didn't know if it was an illusion, but she thought it was probably the reason why she couldn't concentrate because she didn't sleep well last night.

Speaking of which, it's a man to blame.

She swore that she would never go downstairs again late at night!
The day passed quickly.

It was night in a blink of an eye.

After Nalan Jun finished coaxing Leng Zimu to sleep, he also planned to lie down and rest.

For some reason, she always felt sore all over.Since this afternoon, she has been with the little guy.

Now, seeing the little guy sleeping soundly, his chubby cheeks were ruddy, so cute, she couldn't help but kiss the little guy on the face.

Thinking of the scene of the little guy feeding her noodles at noon, the corners of her eyes and brows were filled with love again.

Back then, she left the little guy when he was still in his infancy. A few years later, she never thought that the little guy was so cute and knew how to feed her.

Suddenly, she felt a sense of relief.

The little guy was born in October of her pregnancy. To her, no one is more important than the little guy, not even Leng Qirui.

Wait, no, how could she think of Leng Qirui at this moment?

Realizing this, she immediately frowned slightly, suddenly feeling complicated.

At this moment, the little guy suddenly uttered a cry, she was stunned for a moment, and after listening carefully, she realized that the little guy was calling her in her dream.

So, her whole mind fell on the little guy again.

She covered the little guy with the quilt, then hugged the little guy, ready to fall asleep.

Suddenly, there was a sound from outside the door of the children's room. She was puzzled, opened her eyes to look, and then saw the door was opened from the outside, followed by a tall figure of a man.

Suddenly, she froze.

The man walked to the bed with strides, then leaned over and hugged her.

She widened her eyes and wanted to struggle, but the man reminded her in her ear: "Don't move, or Mu Mu will be woken up later."

As soon as the words came out, she immediately gave up struggling.

So, the man successfully carried her out of the children's room.

However, after walking out of the children's room, she began to struggle.

(End of this chapter)

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