The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 2002 The tone is threatening

Chapter 2002 The tone is threatening
In the children's room, after turning over, Leng Zimu touched the big bed with his fleshy little hands.

It wasn't until he couldn't touch a certain figure that the little guy opened his eyes, looked at the big bed seriously, and then tested the temperature next to him with his little hand.

Soon, the little guy's face, which was almost like Leng Qirui's, became wrinkled.

I saw him throwing off the quilt, jumping out of bed, and running out of the room without his shoes on.

In the master bedroom, Nalan Jun didn't even know that Leng Zimu had woken up.

Since she was hugged by a man last night and left the children's room until now, her whole body has been completely occupied by the man, and she can't get away at all.

After a night of physical labor, now she just wants to leave the man's side as soon as possible, but the man seems to be addicted to holding her, not only did not intend to let go, but even tightened his arms, hugging her tightly In his arms, and his face was still rubbing against her neck and shoulders.

The hot breath from the man's breath made her feel a little itchy, so she couldn't help shrinking her shoulders.

Maybe it was because her reaction was too sensitive, which aroused the man's playfulness, only to see that the man was even more reluctant.

Finally, she couldn't help it anymore: "Leng Qirui, can you let me go? Don't be so childish, okay?"

It's okay not to mention childishness, but the mention of childishness seems to make the man dissatisfied.

"You say I'm naive?" The man's eyebrows were raised slightly, and his tone was threatening.

Nalan Jun realized that he seemed to have said the wrong thing: "No, I."

"Huh?" The man obviously already has the idea that as long as she says something wrong, he will punish her severely in the next second.

"Cough, I want to say." Nalan Jun can be said to have seen the side of this man when he was dissatisfied.Right now, knowing that the man already has the intention of punishing her, she can only curse him secretly in her heart, and of course, she still has to say flattering words on her lips.

I saw her brain running fast, and then said very sweetly: "It's getting late, I think you should be hungry too? I want to ask what do you want for breakfast?"

I have to say that this topic has indeed successfully diverted the man's mind.

The amber eyes of the man added a gleam: "You want to make me breakfast?"

Of course Nalan Jun didn't intend to cook him breakfast.At this moment, what she was thinking about was how to leave the man's room as soon as possible.Of course, in order to please a man, how could she speak out what was in her heart?
So, she rolled her eyes, and then said: "Well, I see that you have been quite tired from work these days, and you seem to be thin. Breakfast is the most suitable for supplementing nutrition. Tell me what you want to eat, and I will go Do it for you."

The man's entire chest was occupied by heat: "As long as it's done by you, it's fine."

Nalan Jun raised his eyebrows: "Then I'll make buns, will you eat them?"

"Okay." The man agreed without hesitation.

The reason why Nalan Jun thought of making steamed buns was actually because the little guy mentioned before going to bed last night that he wanted to eat steamed stuffed buns made by her for breakfast tomorrow.

Thinking of the little guy, she suddenly realized that she had stayed in the man's master bedroom for too long.

If the little guy wakes up later and doesn't see her, according to the little guy's IQ, he will immediately suspect that she didn't sleep in the room last night.

She only disappointed the little guy yesterday, and today she must not let the little guy lose his trust in her again.

Thinking of this, she planned to make breakfast and then push the man away.

However, just when her hand touched the man's body, the door of the master bedroom was opened with a bang.

(End of this chapter)

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