Chapter 2017 What a pity!
Seeing the extra slices of meat in the bowl, Rao Shichen's eyes were doting: "Thank you wife."

Lou Jianian: "You've had a hard day too, husband, eat quickly."

"Yeah." Rao Shichen's face glowed with joy, and then he picked up the chopsticks, picked up the sliced ​​meat in the bowl, put it in his mouth, and said, "The sliced ​​meat picked by my wife is delicious."

Lou Jianian smiled.At this moment, her phone vibrated suddenly, indicating that there was a WeChat message, so she picked it up and looked, only to find that it was from Rao Shixin.

Rao Shixin: Sister-in-law, today is the first day of filming, how do you feel?

Seeing the message, Lou Jianian immediately typed and replied.

Lou Jianian: The filming went smoothly, and I also saw Myung Se Na who I like very much.

Rao Shixin: What?Min Se Na?
Lou Jianian: Director Shen invited Ming Shina to play the role of Daoist Priest, didn't you know?

At this moment, Rao Shixin, who was on a sweet vacation, was in a bad mood after learning that Ming Shina had joined the crew.

Ming Shi Na is one of her favorite actors, and the reason why she wants to be an artist is precisely because of Ming Shi Na.

When she was a child, she often watched TV dramas played by Ming Se Na, and over time, she also had the idea of ​​becoming an actress when she grew up, and she did.

When she grew up, she immediately devoted herself to the performing arts industry, and she has been doing it until now.

Unexpectedly, Ming Shina came to the production crew today, but she couldn't see it.

On the beach chair, Rao Shixin in a bikini was dying of remorse.

At this moment, Liang Feimo came over.I saw him holding a glass of juice in his hand.Unlike in the past, today he is not dressed very formally, but in simple attire, which makes him look handsome and handsome, without any sense of indifference or ruthlessness.

This large stretch of beach has already been chartered by them.

After getting married, the two spent their honeymoon until now, eating, drinking and having fun almost every day.

It is also rare for Liang Feimo to put down all his work and accompany Rao Shixin wholeheartedly.Of course, at night, he would still set aside an hour or two to sit in front of the computer and handle some company affairs.

When he walked to the beach chair, he just sat down, and then he saw the girl next to him looking hopeless.

Immediately, he frowned and asked, "What's wrong?"

Rao Shixin whispered: "I'm so sorry, it turns out that Ming Shina came to our film crew, Director Shen is really, invited Ming Shina to the film crew, and he did such a good job of keeping secrets, if my sister-in-law hadn't told me Ming Shi Na will take part in the role of Dao Chang in the play, otherwise I would not know."

Liang Feimo was silent for a while: "So?"

"So, I decided to go back as soon as possible. This honeymoon feels like it's almost over. I want to go back."

Liang Feimo: "."

the other side.

Lou Jianian didn't receive the reply from Rao Shixin, after thinking about it, she mistakenly thought that Rao Shixin was busy, so she didn't continue the chat.

It's just that she was very happy when she thought that Ming Shina came to the film crew, and that she would have a chance to act with Ming Shina.

This time, not only can she fulfill her childhood desire to film, but she also has the opportunity to meet the goddess Ming Se Na, who is simply too beautiful!
Rao Shichen saw the satisfaction and happiness in Lou Jianian's eyebrows, so he couldn't help but follow his thin lips.

After the meal was over, Lou Jianian paid the bill.

Because she was happy, she decided to let her treat the guests.

(End of this chapter)

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