The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 2020 The eyes are a lot gentler

In the luxurious and elegant room, the man looked at the scenery outside the floor-to-ceiling windows, with certain thoughts in his eyes.

After a while of silence, the man said, "Go to bed early tonight, don't make yourself too tired, you know?"

Ming Shina responded softly with the word "um".

Soon, the call was over.

After hanging up the phone, the man stared at his legs without moving away for a long time.Until, a WeChat message came to the phone, and it was from Ming Shina.

Ming Shi Na: Remember to take a picture for me when you soak your feet, don't lie to me.

Seeing the news, the man was helpless, but there was a faint smile on his brows.

Just at this moment, there was a knock on the door, so the man reacted and said, "Come in."

As he finished speaking, the door was pushed open, and an old lady servant who was about fifty years old came in with herbal medicine in his hand, and said respectfully, "Your Highness, I'm here to prepare a potion for you."

That's right, the man in front of him is His Royal Highness the Crown Prince of Lan Kingdom - Zhen Xiuxi.

Zhen Xiuxi is 45 years old this year and has no children under his knees. As for his legs, they were injured by an accidental fire when he went to China with King Zhen Langde for an interview at the age of 9. He was accompanied by his siblings My younger sister, Her Royal Highness Zhen Meixi, the Princess of Languo, is just a pity that the accident happened too suddenly and the situation was urgent. As an older brother, Zhen Xiuxi was hit by a heavy object in order to protect her sister, and in order to help her escape Born, Zhen Xiuxi was ready to sacrifice.

In that fire, Zhen Meixi escaped, but he was trapped in a wooden house in the suburbs.

Yes, log cabins.

When Zhen Xiuxi and Zhen Meixi, who were only 9 years old at the time, were attracted by a little white rabbit, they ran all the way to the wooden house to play with the little white rabbit. Unexpectedly, the two ran into the wooden house, The fire happened, and things were weird.

So far, Zhen Xiuxi still can't figure out, where did the little white rabbit appear from?Also, he was so stupid that he took his own sister to chase the little white rabbit together, and deliberately left his followers behind.

It was precisely because of his playfulness that he harmed himself miserably, and also caused his own sister to evaporate after escaping in the fire, and was never found again.

This incident made him extremely painful, and he still has no way to reconcile with himself.

For 36 years, no matter how many entourages he sent out, he was still unable to find Zhen Meixi. Up to now, it is not even known whether Zhen Meixi is dead or alive. As an older brother, he has felt guilty and uncomfortable for 36 years.

Thinking of the past, Zhen Xiuxi's eyes filled with sadness.

At this moment, the servant had already soaked the Chinese medicinal materials, and came to him, and said respectfully, "Your Highness, I will push you to make the medicine."

After speaking, the servant began to push the wheelchair.

Soon, Zhen Xiuxi was pushed to the front of the wooden barrel, soaked in warm water with various Chinese herbs.

The servant knelt on both legs, stretched out his hands softly, and began to respectfully take off Zhen Xiuxi's shoes, then rolled up the trouser legs, and then put Zhen Xiuxi's feet into the wooden barrel.

Zhen Xiuxi remained expressionless the whole time.

Because his legs are useless, he has no sensation below his knees.

What is the temperature of the water flowing in the wooden barrel, and whether it is suitable, he has no idea at all.

Over the years, in order to heal his legs, he had been forced to try various methods, but it was a pity that there was no effect at all in the end.

For this reason, he had already given up, but helplessly, a certain woman beside him still wanted him to persevere.

Thinking of Ming Shina who is in China at the moment, Zhen Xiuxi's eyes softened a lot.

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