Chapter 2022 Liang Feimo Appears
Light poured in from the window.

Rao Shichen looked at the girl in front of him with his hazel eyes.

After the tie was tied, he couldn't help but press a kiss on the girl's soft lips.

A simple kiss starts a good morning.

Lou Jianian protested in his stomach.During this period of time, she didn't know what was going on with her, and she was always very hungry.

Knowing that she was already hungry, Rao Shichen didn't waste any time, took her hand and planned to leave.

However, when they stepped out of the gate of the courtyard, they unexpectedly bumped into Rao Shixin who was still on their honeymoon outside.

The moment he saw Rao Shixin, Lou Jianian was stunned.

Outside the Moon Gate, Rao Shixin, who had obviously rushed back after getting off the plane, was extremely excited when he saw Lou Jianian.

She let go of her pace and rushed towards Lou Jianian: "Ahhhhh! Little sister-in-law! I'm back!"

Here, Lou Jianian hadn't even reacted yet, her whole body was being pulled to the side by Rao Shichen's palm, so that her body was tilted to the side.

As a result, Rao Shixin, who was about to rush towards her, was completely empty-handed.When she was about to fall to the ground, fortunately, Liang Feimo appeared at the door.

When he saw the woman he loved was about to fall, Liang Feimo reacted very quickly.He rushed up, stretched out his arms to protect Rao Shixin, and embraced her whole body in front of him, only then did he successfully prevent her from having intimate contact with the earth.

This process is really too fast.

Seeing that Rao Shixin was fine, Lou Jianian felt relieved.

Of course, Rao Shixin did the same.At first, she thought she would fall, but she didn't expect that Liang Feimo appeared to save her at the critical moment.

It's really scary!

"Are you okay?" Liang Feimo protected Rao Shixin with his palms, but he still didn't forget to ask about her care, and carefully checked whether she was bumped or bumped.

Rao Shixin shook his head: "It's okay, it's fine."

Hearing this, Liang Feimo was relieved.However, his eyes glanced coldly at the "culprit" Rao Shichen.

You don't need to guess at all to know who Rao Shixin almost fell because of.

Rao Shichen calmly raised his hand and patted the suit on his body.Obviously, he didn't take the accident that almost happened just now at all.

On the contrary, Lou Jianian thought that Rao Shichen was a little too much.After all, Rao Shixin was his own sister, and he was able to do such a thing, although she knew that the reason for all this was due to his possessiveness.

Helpless, she could only sigh silently in her heart.

Immediately afterwards, she pushed Rao Shichen away, stepped forward and gave Rao Shixin a long-lost reunion hug!

The intimate behavior of the two girls caught the eyes of the two men.

Rao Shichen and Liang Feimo couldn't help frowning as they watched the scene.

Soon, the two who were left alone couldn't help but want to talk.

Rao Shichen: "wife"

Liang Feimo: "Wife"

The two just spoke, but they were interrupted by their own wives.

Lou Jianian: "Shut up."

Rao Shixin: "Shut up!"

This time they met, the two girls had accumulated a lot of things to say, so naturally they didn't want to be disturbed.

Rao Shichen and Liang Feimo were stunned, but in order not to annoy their wives, the two men could only shut up obediently and did not dare to speak.

So, Lou Jianian and Rao Shixin talked a lot about their honeymoon and the recent events of the crew.
(End of this chapter)

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