The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 2034 is the kind of princess hug

The next day.

early morning.

When the sun breaks through the clouds, it illuminates the entire city of Los Angeles.

In Xiyuan's master bedroom, Lou Jianian's eyelashes twitched slightly, and after turning over, his eyes suddenly opened.

The next second, she frowned slightly, as if she felt a little uncomfortable, so she lifted the quilt, got up and rushed to the bathroom, and then retched.

These movements of hers naturally woke up the sleeping man.

Rao Shichen's narrow eyes swept towards the bathroom, and when he heard the sound of vomiting from inside, he lifted the quilt and got up.

In the bathroom, Lou Jianian was bending over with his hands on both sides of the sink, retching constantly.

Although during this period of time, she would feel sick and uncomfortable when she woke up, but it was not as strong as today.

She retched like this for quite a while, until the discomfort gradually subsided, she turned on the faucet and washed her face with water in both hands.

When she finished washing her face and looked at herself in the mirror, she realized that pimples appeared on her chin.

Because she has studied medicine, she also knows how to take care of herself, so when she was young, she rarely had acne on her face.

Just having two pimples suddenly popped up, which made her feel very strange for a while, and coupled with the recent filming and company affairs, she felt that her body might need to take good care of herself.

So, she planned to go back to the pharmacy to get some traditional Chinese medicine to eat, and it happened that she also wanted to bring some traditional Chinese medicine for Ming Shina to nourish qi and blood to treat insomnia.

After making such a decision, she was just about to get her toothbrush, when she caught a glimpse of a man standing by the door out of the corner of her eye. When she turned her gaze, she realized that the man had woken up at some point, and was just staring at her with his arms around his shoulders. As if thinking about something.

She froze for a moment, raised her eyebrows and asked, "What's wrong? Seeing me like this?"

Beside the door, Rao Shichen's handsome face, who had just woken up, had a certain kind of laziness.I saw his sword eyebrows raised slightly, his deep eyes condensed too much emotion: "Did you... have it?"

Hearing this, Lou Jianian paused, followed by looking down, looking at his flat stomach, and thinking about all kinds of discomforts he had recently.

Then, her eyes were dyed with light, and the next second, she began to be overwhelmed with surprise: "Could it be...I really?"

Rao Shichen stepped forward, and his face was visibly brightened with pleasure: "Are you a fool? You know medicine yourself, don't you know how to feel your own pulse?"

Hearing this, Lou Jianian seemed to be enlightened, immediately put down the toothbrush, and felt his own pulse.

And when she was feeling the pulse, Rao Shichen's entire back was tense.

However, after a while, Lou Jianian either frowned or bit his lip, and didn't give a definite answer in a daze.

Rao Shichen couldn't help asking: "How is it?"

Lou Jianian shook her head: "I don't know."

Although she knows medicine, this is to check her own pulse, and it still depends on whether it is a happy pulse. This is inexplicably difficult for her. Of course, this is the first time she has encountered such a situation.

Without further ado, Rao Shichen turned around, took his mobile phone and dialed the family doctor.

Soon, the family doctor came.

After a simple examination, it was confirmed that Lou Jianian was pregnant.

When the news came from the doctor's mouth, Rao Shichen, who had always been so calm, was filled with joy, so he walked around the place holding Lou Jianian.

It's the kind that a princess hugs.

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