Chapter 2037 Like Fragile

At night, the sky is full of stars.

Lou Jianian sat down in front of the dressing table, looking at herself in the mirror.

Since becoming pregnant, she has become a fragile object in Rao Shichen's eyes.

Rao Shichen took care of her patiently and meticulously, and refused to let her go to work in the company. She just couldn't laugh or cry about this.

In fact, as a woman who knows medicine, she doesn't know what a pregnant woman can and cannot do. Now if she is asked to stay at home and not go to work, she feels that she will become moldy from boredom.

Rao Shichen imposed a restriction on her, and she was not allowed to go out to work outside, so she thought of a way to communicate with Rao Shichen. Fortunately, the communication was effective in the end.

According to Rao Shichen, she can only go to work in the company as long as she has been raising the baby for about a month and still has no physical problems.

Of course, she readily agreed.

For a month, although she couldn't go to the company, she could treat it as a vacation for herself.

Moreover, she has only been pregnant for a short time, and she should take a good rest. No matter what, she also hopes that the baby in her stomach can grow up healthily.

Just raising her hand to touch her belly, her brows and eyes were tinged with tenderness.

Rao Shichen was working outside the room, and she could hear the clattering sound of the keyboard from a distance away from the wall.

Because she was pregnant, in order to take better care of her, Rao Shichen almost took his work home to do it except for the one or two hours when he went to the company in the morning.

In fact, there is Mrs. Fen in Xiyuan, and many servants. Everyone surrounds her for fear of not taking good care of her. Therefore, she does not need Rao Shichen to spend time at home to take care of her personally when she is pregnant, but She knew that Rao Shichen was only so nervous because he was becoming a father-to-be for the first time.

Thinking of what the man did for her, a warm current flowed through her heart.

In this life, she was married to the right person.

As a wife, she asked herself that she had never given anything to a man, so the only thing she could do was to listen to the man's words, raise the baby well, and give birth to the child smoothly.

I don't know what the child will look like in the future?

Just thinking about the appearance of the future baby, she just feels very happy.Suddenly, she glanced at the cabinet inadvertently.

The cabinet was not closed tightly, and a crack was exposed.

Lou Jianian just remembered that he had opened the cabinet some time ago.

Thinking of the things in the cabinet, she opened it.As soon as she opened it, her eyes immediately caught the sandalwood box inside.

She reached out and took out the box, then slowly opened it.

As she opened it, the koi pendant lying inside came into her sight.

Just brushing the pendant lightly with her fingertips, she whispered: "Mom, I'm pregnant, and you are about to have a grandson, do you know?"

Talking to herself while facing the pendant, what Chen Yuhui said back then flashed through her mind at the same time.

If Chen Yuhui hadn't mentioned it, otherwise she would never have known that her mother's surname might not be Chen at all.

Thinking of this, her eyes became a little complicated for a while.

Suddenly, the phone vibrated, interrupting her thoughts.

She put down the sandalwood box, picked up her phone and looked, only to find that it was a WeChat message from Ming Shina.

Ming Shina: Jia Nian, today the film crew is going to do a promotion, didn't you promise to come?Why didn't I see you come to the set?
After reading the message, she immediately typed a reply.

Lou Jianian: Sister Shi Na, sorry, I did not go today.

Min Se Na: What's wrong?too busy or?

Lou Jianian: I'm pregnant, and the doctor said I need to rest and recuperate.

(End of this chapter)

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