The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 2046 It seems like a downtime

The night was dark.

Lan Guo.

After Lou Jianian got off the plane, just as he walked out of the airport, a gust of wind hit him.

At that moment, she was inexplicably stung in her heart, and her eyes suddenly became moist.

So, her mother was born here and grew up here as a child.

She almost felt sad when she thought of her mother losing her memory and couldn't remember everything about her childhood.

Fortunately, God made her lucky to meet Ming Shina.

If it wasn't for Ming Shina, she wouldn't know how to find out about her mother's life experience.

Thinking of this, she looked up at Ming Shina, originally intending to thank her, but she saw Ming Shina looking at her with a smile in her eyes.

She froze for a moment, then licked her lips, and said, "Sister Shi Na, I"

"Jia Nian, I know what you want to say, thank you or something, for me, there is no need, after all, I am your aunt."

When Lou Jianian heard Ming Shina's last sentence, her eyes were stained with surprise.

That's right, at the coffee shop, Min Se Na didn't say that she was her aunt at all.

Ming Shina knew that when she revealed her true identity, Lou Jianian would feel incredible.

Simply, she took advantage of the present and told Lou Jianian everything.

Of course, she said it after she got in the car.

The car drove away from the airport and didn't stop until it came to a magnificent palace.

Lou Jianian has not yet digested what Ming Shina said.

It turned out that her mother was the princess of the Lan Kingdom. In other words, her grandfather was the king of the Lan Kingdom, and her uncle was the prince of the Lan Kingdom. As for Ming Shina, she was the Queen of the Lan Kingdom.

All of this really shocked her.

She thought, fortunately, she has experienced too much over the years, otherwise she would definitely faint because of these truths now.

Ming Shina took her hand tenderly and lovingly, and said, "Jianian, I think your uncle, including your grandfather, can't wait to see you, are you ready?"

"I" Lou Jianian's lips twitched a few times, but he couldn't say anything.

Of course, she must be very upset inside.

She thought that after arriving in Languo, it would take some time before she could fully understand everything about her mother, but it turns out that just after getting off the plane, she was going to meet her uncles and grandfathers whom she had never met.

How could she digest this for a while?

However, even though she was shocked, she still longed to see her relatives in her heart.

So, she just followed Ming Shina to get off the car, and then was led through a heavily guarded place, and finally came to a luxurious hall in a detour.

Everywhere she passed was so bright that it could blind people, but she didn't care to pay attention at all.

Just when she was arranged to sit on the sofa, a maid immediately brought coffee and snacks.

Min Se Na left for a while.

In the hall, Lou Jianian was the only one left.

At this moment, her hands were intertwined, and her whole head was unable to think, as if it was down.

Not long after, there was movement from the elevator. When she raised her eyes, she happened to see the originally closed elevator door separate, and then two figures appeared inside, a man and a woman.

Lou Jianian saw Ming Shina, and in front of Ming Shina was a middle-aged man.The man's elegant and handsome face made her feel vaguely familiar.

However, when she saw the wheelchair under the man, she felt uncomfortable.

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